
Friday, May 12, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things-May 12, 2017

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

The weather has been absolutely wonderful most of the week. We had some rain at one point, but the rest of the time it's been warm and sunny.  The boys have enjoyed playing outside.

Of course, all this outside play can get a little rough and tumble.  Last Saturday, Lyle was riding his bike and trying to show off for one of his classmates who lives across the street. This means he was going too fast and not paying attention. He ended up wiping out and landing face first on the sidewalk. He broke his glasses and split his forehead open right above one eye.  It was a bloody mess, and it resulted in a visit to the emergency room.  Fortunately, the doctor was able to glue it and Lyle was in and out of there quick.  The damage could have been so much worse.  And you know what he wanted to do first thing when he got back home?  He wanted to ride his bike again. That kid doesn't let anything get him down for long.

Lyle also turned six yesterday.  He got to take cupcakes to school to share with his classmates.  Kids grow up so fast.

Jude is happy because his class is going on a field trip to the zoo today.  The weather is supposed to be great all day, so that's something to celebrate.  I'm hoping he has a good time.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. That was a fun trip to the emergency room for you. Glad it wasn't worse. After all that, was his classmate impressed?

  2. I remember being that young and unaffected when I got hurt. I kinda miss that feeling because it was freeing.

  3. Lyle has had a really exciting week.

  4. Glad he's OK! Have a great weekend :)

  5. I remember running over my left foot one time with my 3-speed's front tire (I might have had my feet off the pedals, ready to stop, and wasn't paying attention to their placement). You could see the impression on my foot for a long time afterward (it didn't do any major damage, but I'd swear I could still see the marks on my foot for ages). Oh, to be that young and dumb again! :P

  6. Yikes! Glad the accident wasn't worse.

  7. Happy birthday, Lyle! I cringed when I read his story. So glad he made it through okay. And of course, he went right back to the bike. Don't they always? *rolls eyes* Enjoy the weather!

  8. Aw! Yay for the birthday boy. Neither of my boys would hop right back on a bike after that, so I'm applauding your son. That's guts for you.
