
Friday, May 26, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things-May 26, 2017

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

I know I'm posting this a little late, but it's been a busy week. Not crazy like last week was.  Just busy.  I had appointments and errands to run that required a lot of driving, and my boys have t-ball, which means taking them to practices and games. I'm ready for some relaxation over the weekend.

And yay for a three day weekend!  I'm definitely happy about that.  The weather also looks like it's going to be pretty good for those three days, so I'm sure we'll be doing some outdoor activities as a family.

The kids are also excited because next week is their last week of school.  Bring on summertime!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Have a great three day weekend! I have to work Saturday and Sunday but then have Monday and Tuesday off, so a bit of a delayed weekend.

  2. Our weekend is supposed to be yucky and rainy, with thunderstorms Sunday so no matter what the weather turns out to be on Monday, it probably won't be nice enough for a cookout. Oh well, it will give me an excuse to stay inside and continue reading LOTR and catch up on my fan fiction reading (and writing!). :D

  3. Kids will keep you busy. Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Enjoy time outdoors. We'll get a little in the morning and evening, but otherwise too hot during the day.

  5. It's been a great week, good eye surgery and some family time!

  6. I don't get a weekend this weekend. Have to go to work. I get Monday off at least.

  7. I hope you and your family have a wonderful, fun and relaxing weekend!

  8. Being a mum is always busy especially during those summer months but these will be the days you remember :) Try to grab some rest this weekend! Thanks for finding the time to co-host CTST - Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  9. Enjoy the last sprint to summer vacation! It's insane how busy those last two weeks get.

  10. Sports are so wonderful for kids but getting everyone from point a to b can get crazy. Hope you enjoy the 3-day holiday!
