
Friday, June 16, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things-June 16, 2017

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

I went to a Metallica concert last Friday, and it was awesome! The concert was outdoors, and it was a hot day, but we had a good breeze that kept us cool.  Other than the fact that bottles of water cost $7 (I knew it would be high but wow!), it was a great experience.  I'm definitely glad we went.

The kids started their library reading program this week. They enjoy it every year, and it gives them a chance to read and spend time with their friends.

The other big thing I'm celebrating this week is the latest anthology opportunity that's come my way.  I submitted a middle grade science fiction story months ago, and I was feeling a bit insecure about it.  After all, it was my first time writing a middle grade story.  When I got the news that it had been accepted for the 2018 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide, I was ecstatic!  What writer isn't happy to get news like that?

The publisher, Dreaming Robot Press, launched a Kickstarter campaign earlier this week to help cover publication costs. One of the main goals of this campaign is to supply copies of the books to libraries so lots of kids have the opportunity to read these stories.  I would appreciate it if some of you could help spread the word.

That's all I have to say for now.  What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Congratulations! That's so exciting! I love Metallica too! I just bought tickets if my own to see U2...a different feel of music, but concerts are always a nice change of pace :)

  2. Concerts are so much fun to go to (even if they charge a kidney for drinks.)
    Congrats on the anthology. Hoping my budget allows me to donate to the kickstarter.

  3. Sounds like a great week for sure!! Congrats on everything!

  4. Congratulations on the anthology. Good thing you could afford those overpriced water bottles at the concert.

  5. Congrats on the story. That is great news, and yes we all do love those acceptances.

  6. Congratulations on that story! The concert sounds amazing...even with the expensive water.
