
Friday, September 22, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things-September 22, 2017

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa CainTonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

I submitted another story this week.  I have four out on submission right now, which is a record for me.  Granted, two of those submissions are super short, but I'm still proud of that accomplishment.  I've now made ten submissions so far this year, and I plan to make two more before the year ends.  This would be the first time I managed to make twelve submissions in a single year.  I really hope I pull it off.

My husband took the night off work.  Tonight is the homecoming game, and my boys have been begging their daddy to take them to the football game.  They're really excited about going.

Zoe is ten months old today.  I don't even know how that's possible.  I haven't lost as much pregnancy weight in that time as I'd have liked, but I'll choose not to focus on that for now.  That would just ruin my good mood.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. That's a wonderful accomplishment, congratulations. Hope you hear some great news about those submissions soon.

  2. Good luck with your submissions! That's definitely an achievement.
    Where have those ten months gone? It doesn't seem that long to me, either.

  3. You can do it!
    The year has really flown by, hasn't it?

  4. LG,

    WOW, 10 submission so far! That's amazing. Way-to-go! Hey, don't sweat the post-pregnancy pounds! In time you'll get where you want to be. I know after my third child, who happened to be the largest, it took me nearly 18-months to shed the weight. Of course, I put on more weight than I should've, too. Now, my baby is 23-years old. He's anything but a baby! :) I was wondering have you heard from Lexa? I'm concerned about her. Have a good weekend and thanks for hosting!

  5. Congrats and Best Wishes on your submissions.

  6. Congrats on your submissions! My goal is to get better writing samples so I can get better paying writing gigs. I'm on my way I'd like to think! I'm hoping to get on track again with my own creative writing though, so I'm hoping this weekend is successful.

  7. Ten submissions, long or short, is an amazing accomplishment- good job!

  8. Congrats on getting all that writing done and good luck on the submissions.

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