
Friday, January 26, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things-January 26, 2018

Hello everyone!  It's Friday once again, and that means it's time once again to Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain.  I am her co-host.

I need to start off this post with a somber tone.  I couldn't say anything in my previous Celebrate post, but Thursday of last week there was an accident at my husband's job, and someone died as a result of it.  I don't want to go into detail about what happened, but it was traumatic for everyone who was there.  My husband was nearby when it occurred, so while he didn't actually witness it, he came home shortly after pretty shaken by the whole thing.  I can't imagine what this man's family is going through right now.  I've been thinking about them a lot.  This tragic event has reminded me that we need to appreciate every moment have, because you never know what can happen.  But I guess that's what this blog hop is all about, isn't it?

Writing continues to go well.  I have set a goal of completing the first draft of this novel by the end of April, and while it's a little nerve wracking to set such a concrete goal, I think I can do it.

Take care, my friends.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

What would you like to Celebrate?


  1. How terrible. I imagine that did shake up everyone. Prayers for that man's families.

  2. So horrible for you and that family. I'm sure it was a trauma to your husband and everyone who knew about it. So sad for all of you. Prayers sent for the family and the rest of you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Awfully sorry about your husband's co-worker, and you're very right about appreciating every moment we have. Nothing in life is certain ... except death.

  5. How devastating!! Make each day a blessing. Take Care.
