
Friday, April 13, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things-April 13, 2018

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  I am her co-host.

It was a nice day yesterday, so I took my kids to play in the park after school.  It was a rare thing considering how the weather has been here lately.  I think spring got lost on its way here.  Or maybe it forgot to set its alarm.  Either way, it's supposed to snow over the weekend.  Ugh.  Rather than focus on that, I'll try to focus instead on the fact that it's bound to stop feeling like winter here eventually.  Right?

WRiTE CLUB has its first bout on Monday, so be sure to stop by, read some good pieces, and vote for your favorite!

I'd also like to take the time to say Happy Friday the 13th everyone!  Be careful out there, especially if you know anyone who has a hockey mask.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I'm not sure what spring is doing either. Maybe a long April fool's joke.

  2. I don't mean to brag, but we are having a bit of sunshine here. I don't know how long it will last, but it's nice to see. It's been a rare thing this spring.

  3. Happy Friday the 13th!

    We didn't have a very cold winter, but I would welcome the cold. Spring is my least favorite season because the pollen is terrible, the birds tear up our screens, build nests on our patio, leave poop and debris on our deck, and the spiders and other bugs start to show up in our house.

    My mom came over with extra boxes of tissue yesterday because we use so much during springtime. lol

    Have a great weekend!

  4. The weather has been mixed, hasn't it? Very sensible to get out and enjoy it whenever there's a nice day.
