
Friday, November 16, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things-November 16, 2018

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

Earlier this week, I was having serious computer problems. My computer suddenly started running so slow I could hardly get anything done on it. That certainly didn't help with this week's writing goals, but I can make up for that later. My husband, who knows a ton about computers, took a look at it and guessed I probably had a virus hidden away somewhere. I had to back everything up so he could reformat it for me. It was a pain, but my computer is running normally again, so I'm happy about that.

Zoe's birthday is next week. I can't believe she's turning two already! Her birthday falls on Thanksgiving this year, so that makes it an extra special day.

To all of my blogging friends in the United States, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad your computer problem was fixed quickly.
    Happy birthday to your little girl.
