
Friday, December 14, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things-December 14, 2018

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

My boys had a school Christmas concert last night. They always enjoy being on stage. Jude's class was part of a short musical that made up the last half of the concert, and he had some lines to memorize. He worked so hard on them and was so excited about learning his part.

I finished writing and editing a short story this week. I submitted it on Wednesday. Whether it ends up being accepted or not, it always feels good to submit my work.

I also pulled out a novel draft that's mostly written. Right now it's sitting at about 88,000 words. The ending tripped me up, so I put it down for a little while. I plan to start reading through it, making some notes, and coming up with some idea of how to end it. Then I can hopefully start editing it!

Also, I'm excited to announce that my short story "A Meal for Dragons" has been published in the newly release Young Explorer's Adventure Guide, Volume 5. This was such a fun story to write! You can find the book for sale on Amazon. You can also add it on Goodreads!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Congratulations!
    Hope the ending comes to you soon.

  2. Congrats on the short story and I'm crossing my fingers for your other to get accepted.

  3. Congratulations on your story being accepted. Here's to many more successes!

    One thing I'm celebrating is spending the day with my daughter yesterday. It'd been ages since we had a day just for the two of us, so when she asked me what I wanted for my birthday, that was it: spend the day together. We had a blast!
