
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: January 2019

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and that means it's time to convene another meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group! Our leader Alex J. Cavanaugh has rounded up another great cohort of co-hosts for this month: Patricia Lynne, Lisa Buie-Collard, Kim Lajevardi, and Fundy Blue.

Today the winners of the IWSG Anthology Contest are being announced, so you should definitely check that out at the IWSG website!

I'd like to start off by telling everyone Happy New Year! I hope 2019 holds many wonderful things in store for all of you. It's certainly shaping up to be an eventful year for me already. I'm expecting a baby girl in May, and I have a lot of writing goals for the upcoming year that I'd like to meet.

Another exciting part of 2019 is the fact that my short story "Oddly Suited" gets to be part of the upcoming IWSG anthology. Not only that, but it was chosen as the top story. This is the second time that's happened to me, which was stunning, to say the least. When I got the email about it, I was in shock. I had fun writing my submission, and while I felt good about it, I also knew how stiff the competition is. It took some time for the news to sink in. It definitely gave me a much needed boost of confidence where my writing is concerned.

Now let's move on to the question of the month.

The optional question for January is: What are your favorite and least favorite questions people ask you about your writing?

This is an interesting question. I don't get a lot of questions about my writing, but when I do, they certainly follow a theme. I like it when people ask why I like to write and what kinds of stories I like to tell. These are subjects I could talk about all day.

One of the most unwelcome questions I get, however, comes after someone asks which genre I like to write in. While plenty of people love science fiction, I've encountered many others who thinks it's silly. I've also met people with good intentions who think it would be a better career move for me to write in a different genre. When people ask "Why don't you try to write this genre instead?" I tend to get a little bit defensive. I love the kinds of stories I tell, and I feel protective of them. It takes passion to tell a compelling story. If I don't feel excited about a story, then I'm not going to enjoy writing it, and that will show in the final product. Sometimes people don't understand that.

What kinds of questions do people ask you about your writing?


  1. Congratulations on top story again!
    Science fiction doesn't seem like such a popular genre, but someone out there likes it. And I like writing it. Stick to what you enjoy writing.

  2. Congratulations fellow wiener!

    And even bigger congrats on the upcoming little girl! Lemme tell you, "book babies" ain't got nothin' on real babies. :-P

  3. At this point in my writing career, I feel settled enough to give the evil eye and be a bit snarky if folks talk down to my genres (Space opera, fantasy, and steampunk), or the fact that I am self published. But, I will admit a few years ago it was much harder.

  4. Your story was so cute! Just wait until you see the cover.

  5. Congrats!! Can't wait to read your story!

  6. Congrats on getting in the anthology and the top spot! That's so exciting!

  7. Congratulations, LG!!!
    I don't like the "why don't you write this genre?" questions either. Ugh. Oh well. There are lots of other good questions out there and they do get asked. Let's look forward to more good ones. :)

  8. Congratulations on getting the top spot in the anthology, that's amazing! And more congratulations on your new arrival in May. What an exciting year you're going to have!

  9. Congrats! And I'm with you on people trying to convince you to write another genre. Since my heart is in Scifi people think I would be good doing technical writing. Blah! Sounds super boring. I'll even tell them that but they think I should switch to make money faster. They don't get it isn't about money, not really.

    Good luck with everything and have a great New Year!

  10. Congratulations on your inclusion in the anthology! Think people look down on scifi? Try telling them you write romance. Here's to a new year, and to standing up for the stories we love.

  11. Congrats on your story. Your writing rocks and I'm excited for you. =)

  12. EEk! The internet published my comment before I could finish it and I didn't even hit "publish". O.O

    I wanted to say, Congratulations fellow writer! We get to work together. I'm excited to read your story. I had fun writing mine! :P

    Happy New year

  13. Congratulations on your big IWSG Anthology win!

    Happy New Year!!!

  14. Congrats on your anthology story.
    People told me before that to get more readers, I should write romance instead of speculative fiction. On one hand it is true. My single regency romance novella on wattpad is the most popular of all my stories there. It gets 20 times more readers than anything else in the fantasy or sci-fi genres. On the other hand, what could you do if your imagination doesn't bend in that direction. Write what you want, I'd say.

  15. So many wonderful events to celebrate, LG! I hope your pregnancy is going well. I'm vacationing in Florida with my one-year-old niece and she is such a treasure in our lives. I love my three nephews, and there's something special about a little girl experiencing the world for the first time. And that is awesome that your story was selected as the best of the bunch--I look forward to reading it. :-)

  16. The end of your post reminded me of a class I took in college when the teacher said, "What would you think about taking all the fantasy elements out of the story?"

    I told him that was a horrible idea.

    Ten years later, a version of that novel got published.

  17. Congrats on getting top spot in the anthology! That's definitely a great boost. Well, I think sci-fi has got its place - I heard there's something called Star Wars that has done quite well.

  18. It's a pretty rude question to ask someone why they don't write in another genre. Obviously they like the one they're writing now. My mom once asked me if I tried writing "normal" fiction (I write fantasy). Ugh. But, keep doing what you're doing!

  19. You lined up with the stiff competition and proved your talent...and that SF can win. I hate it when my genre - crime/mystery - is questioned.

  20. Congratulations on being selected for the anthology and for the top story pick for the second time in a row!

    Like you said, the individuals who ask that question may have good intentions, but man, not exactly the nicest thing to say to someone.

  21. My least favorite question is about genre too. But I just like writing cozy paranormal mysteries. Lol.

    Congratulations, I loved your story! Well done!

  22. Wow so many WOWs to mention on one comment. Best wishes and health and prosperity to you and yours.

  23. CONGRATULATIONS! That is so cool, and so deserved. You're an awesome writer! Celebrate!
    I hate those questions about genre too. But the oddest question I ever got was, "what does your husband think?" :)

  24. High five on your anthology story, LG. I can't imagine anyone but a writer asking, "which genre?" But then some of the most awkward conversations I've endured about writing were initiated by other writers. How about the writers who like to test your knowledge of your genre's canon. Have you read such-and-such? Oh? You haven't?! Congratulations again!

  25. The moment after someone asks me what genre I write is always tense. People have strong feelings about horror.

    Congratulations on your story! It was excellent!

  26. Your story was charming! You're a GREAT writer.
    Congrats on the baby news!
    Happy New Year to you and the family!
    Writer In Transit

  27. Congratulations on your story! Love the title for it. I love to talk about my writing too, and I get various reactions if I saw I write urban fantasy or romance. So many people think I should be a children's writer and I have no idea why! *LOL* None of my stories are appropriate for kids!
