
Friday, March 15, 2019

Celebrate the Small Things-March 15, 2019

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

It looks like spring is starting to poke its reluctant head around the corner here. The temperatures have been warmer here. I'm certainly happy about that. Unfortunately, we've also had rain here over the last few days. The combination of rain and melting snow has led to some flooding. A lot of country roads around here are impassable because they're too muddy. It's a mess for now, but hopefully things will dry out and the warmth will continue.

Our new telescope came in the mail. We haven't had an opportunity to use it yet, but the kids are pretty excited. So am I, for that matter. Hopefully we'll have a clear night soon so we can test it out.

Lastly, the kids have spring break next week. We bought a couple of wooden 3D models, so that should make for a fun project for us to do together. If all goes well, I may post some pictures of the results!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Hard to use a telescope when it's cloudy.
    Hope you dry out soon. We've finally gone a few days without rain here and the ground is no longer mushy sludge.

  2. I remember putting together wooden 3D models. Wish I could say I was a kid when I did it, but no - grown adult. LOL

  3. It's been a mess here, too. Rained all day yesterday and we had a risk of flooding. I'll be glad when it clears up.
