
Friday, June 28, 2019

Celebrate the Small Things-June 28, 2019

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

I'd like to start by wishing a Happy Independence Day to those of you who live in the United States. My boys are excited to see the fireworks.

I'm also celebrating the fact that my husband has the next week off of work. While we don't have any fancy plans, it'll be nice to spend some time together as a family.

Lastly, I'd like to celebrate the fact that I recently discovered that one of those little free libraries has been installed in our neighborhood. If you don't know what those are, you can read about them here. While our town also has a wonderful public library, there's always room for more libraries large and small, right?

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. You guys relax and enjoy time together next week. I have half the week off and I'm not going anywhere.

  2. Those little free libraries are cute.

    Happy 4th of July!

  3. More books! Yay! Have a great Independence Day and time with the family.
