
Friday, June 7, 2019

Celebrate the Small Things-June 7, 2019

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

I'm going to start out by celebrating good health. As many of you who visit my blog regularly may know, my newborn baby Daisy fell ill with pneumonia shortly after birth. Then, just last week, my oldest son Jude fell ill with a mysterious rash. That, along with other symptoms, landed him in the hospital. Fortunately, both of them are now healthy again. Daisy has been thriving at home for the last two weeks, and my son seems to be back to his normal self. He even got to return to school for the last two days of the school year. He was thrilled that he could finish the school year with his friends.

My husband and I celebrated our twelve year wedding anniversary earlier this week. In fact, my son got out of the hospital on our anniversary. That was by far the best gift we could have received. We happily spent a quiet evening at home with our family to celebrate.

Finally, I'm celebrating a beautiful weekend weather forecast. Hopefully we can make the most of it.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. What a blessing everyone is healthy. Happy anniversary! Celebrating it with your family was a good way to do it.

  2. That sounds like the best way to spend your anniversary.

  3. Glad to hear everyone is on the mend. Happy Anniversary!
