
Saturday, June 1, 2019

WEP/IWSG June Challenge-Caged Bird

Hello everyone! It's time for another WEP/IWSG Challenge. This month's prompt is Caged Bird.

I'll admit I initially didn't know what I was going to write for this one. I was focused on the impending birth of my newest child, so I figured I would come up with something after that. And I suppose I did. The birth of my daughter inspired my piece, but not for the reason I first thought it might. I didn't anticipate that she might get sick and have to spend several additional days in the hospital.

And now, as I post this, she is home. My oldest son, however, has fallen ill with something else completely different. He's now the one in the hospital, so I suppose I will dedicate this piece to both of them. I can only say this has been a difficult month.

Spread Your Wings

You took me by surprise, little one. Our house already felt full with three children. Then we learned we would be adding a fourth to our brood. The revelation caught us off guard for a moment, but then we quickly adjusted to the news. It wasn’t long at all before we were eagerly awaiting your arrival.
The surprises in life can complete you in a way you never dreamed possible.
As your birth crept closer, I felt like I knew what to expect. After all, I’d been through the experience three times before. While each time was different, I was confident I could handle anything that came my way.
I should have known better. Life likes to throw curve balls when you least expect them. You were born on a Wednesday evening, and by all appearances, everything was going well. You were absolutely perfect. Maybe I’m biased, but your daddy agreed with my assessment.
Then, not long before we were due to take you home, a nurse discovered a potential problem. A doctor ordered some tests, and before long, we heard the awful news. You were developing pneumonia and needed to stay in the NICU.
For seven additional days, I had to watch as you remained tethered to the IV they put in your head. I sat with you by a hospital window and looked forward to the day I could take you out into the world. Lingering fears echoed inside my brain.
What if that day of freedom never comes? Will you be caged inside these walls your entire life? Will we ever be able to bring you home?
Fortunately, you proved to be stronger than anyone knew. You were far too fierce to remain a caged bird for long. After those seven days, you were well enough to fly free.
Now you’re home, and I wish I could say that was the end of my worries. That isn’t how life works, though, is it? Though all seems to be going well, I find myself second-guessing everything. It’s like I’ve just become a mother for the first time all over again. My confidence is shaken. All I want is for you to be happy, healthy, and safe. If only I were powerful enough to guarantee such a thing.
I can only do my best and enjoy the moments I get to watch you spread your wings.

Word Count: 397


  1. This was very poignant Laura. Every time we give birth, it's different, isn't it? I'm sorry you had that scare with Daisy, but I'm sure she'll be fine from now on. I'm glad the tiny little bird broke free of her temporary cage.

    Blessings on your family.


  2. Definitely a very, very challenging month.
    I do like your different take on the prompt, and hope that all your birds fly free. Soon.

  3. I know from personal experience what it is like to have a new baby on IVs for days on end. I'm sorry you had to go through this scary experience, but very glad that Daisy flew out of that cage. Wishing you and family many blessings.

  4. Best wishes for the health of all your family members. I'm glad the newest one is doing better.

  5. Oh my, I'm sorry for your struggles but so glad it worked out. I hope your son is better soon. You took life's challenges and turned them into a poignant story. Beautifully written.

  6. Beautifully written. I haven't visited your blog in awhile. Life can be so hard sometimes. Prayers for you and your family. Interesting blog hop for June - I have not heard of it. I'll check it out. Keep up the good work!

  7. This is a resonant, emotional, gorgeous piece.

    I hope your son recovers soon--and am sorry to hear of all the health challenges your family has been facing lately.

  8. Congratulations on being an amazing parent. This is a moving emotional piece. I've never been a parent in this sense - only an uncle and a step-parent. But I can feel this.

  9. A emotionally moving piece. Congrats on the newborn.

  10. sweet and honest and to the point

    have a lovely day.

  11. So powerful and heartfelt. May the health of each of your family only improve. Lovely story.

  12. Congratulations on the new little one and sending healing hopes for your son!
    Healthy, happy, and safe - perfect words.
    Lovely piece!!

  13. Even though I knew all the details before, this piece resonated on so many levels. Beautifully written, sad and scary, emotional and uplifting. Hope all is well in your family by now. Great post!

  14. I truly enjoy reading your Flash. There's hope in it and I like stories that build hope.
    Congratulations also on your newborn baby.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  15. Aww, poor baby! Hope all is well with you and all the kids--and I'm amazed that you are managing to write, not just this week (really? After having a baby?) but at all, with 4 kids!

  16. Hope all is well with your family now. You wrote about your experiences so very well.

  17. Hi Linda - this seems like a tough period ... and can only hope the worst is over and healing for one and all comes next. So poignant ... never having given birth I don't know the feelings - but can understand a little. Take care and enjoy life as it moves along - all the best - Hilary

  18. HI Linda! How brave of you to find the strength to write while your newest family member was in the NICU. Your moving essay had my heart full and I'm glad she's home now and wish that your son has recovered too. Beautifully written.

  19. A very personal and inspiring story. Thanks for sharing it. Sorry you've had such a rough month. Hope all the little ones recover well.

  20. Congrats on the new addition. Hopefully the months ahead are better and everyone stays healthy. Worrying about health of kids and every little thing sure can drive one crazy, but we have to do as much as we can and continue to strive for the best for them. Very inspiring piece indeed.

  21. Congratulations on the new arrival. So sorry it's been stressful. Thanks for sharing such a personal piece.

  22. Congratulations on the newcomer and thank goodness she got through that first anxious time. you capture it so well in your words. We're all there with you, I'm sure.

  23. Congratulations on your new family member! You are an awesome mom -don't doubt it! I'm so glad your newest baby got to come home and I hope your older child recovers quickly.

  24. Congrats on the birth of the baby!
    Good story. Many feels.

  25. Congrats on your new baby.

    That was a simple but sweet story.

  26. What a lovely story that looks deep into that whole mysterious process of becoming a mother -- anew, even for the third time! I can only say nothing changes. We worry and hover and earn every single gray hair. Cherish each moment, and you will be truly blessed.

  27. I hope all the youngins are home, healthy, and enjoying the summer now.
    And I hope you're doing well after having another.

    Glad your little bird was able to fly. May she soar her whole life through and find great happiness and success in whatever path she chooses.

    Thanks for sharing this great entry.

  28. What a powerful response to this month's WEP prompt. I only hope that all is well with the entire family and that your confidence is restored. How we are tested over and over again. My only lesson: to cherish each day -- as you so poignantly reveal.
