
Friday, August 23, 2019

Celebrate the Small Things-August 23, 2019

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

First of all, I'm celebrating my boys being back in school! They're both excited about a new school year. Jude is excited because they're going to be doing a lot of geography this year, and he's obsessed with maps. Lyle is looking forward to learning cursive.

I'm also celebrating that fact that I finished and submitted a flash fiction piece to a magazine this week. It doesn't honestly matter whether it gets accepted or not. It's been so long since I submitted something that it felt good to go through that process again.

Finally, I'd like to celebrate the fact that Daisy is growing like a weed. Yes, I need to go shopping for new clothes for her since she's outgrown almost everything she has right now, but that's okay. Picking out cute baby clothes can be fun.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Well done with your flash fiction, I know how much work is involved to complete a piece of work and send it out - good luck!

  2. Awesome you submitted something.
    Amazed the boys' school still teaches cursive. Many don't. How do those people sign anything if they don't know cursive?

  3. Good news with the flash fiction.

    Daisies are fast-growing flowers. LOL

  4. Good job.

  5. Kids enjoying school? What has this world come to?
    Where is your kid getting his hands on maps?

    New follower.

  6. Awesome things to celebrate.
