
Friday, September 13, 2019

Celebrate the Small Things-September 13, 2019

It's Friday, and that means it's time to Celebrate the Small ThingsCelebrate the Small Things is a weekly bloghop dedicated to celebrating the little things in life. By highlighting those the little victories and happy moments, we hope to feel more grateful for all that we have.

If you'd like to join in, leave me a link to your blog in the comments and I'll add you to our list!

I have a few things to celebrate this week. First of all, our family took a trip to the zoo last weekend. The kids all enjoyed the animals. They got extra excited when one of the lions decided to roar.

Daisy is going to be four months old on Sunday. She also started rolling over from her back to her stomach this past week. Once she rolls, she'll grab onto the blanket and try to pull herself forward. She obviously can't do much more than that yet, but she's determined to move. Little ones grow quickly, don't they?

I'm also celebrating my writing. I had an idea for a new project, and I've started outlining it and writing a few scenes to get a feel for the world. It's been going well so far, and I'm looking forward to working more on it.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Nothing like hearing a lion roar.
    Good luck with the new project.

  2. They do grow quick. It's frightening. Good luck with your new project. It's exciting when it's in the early stages...

  3. Good luck with the new project.
    Soon, she'll be crawling and then walking. then it's all over for you! ;)

  4. Is your new writing project about babies rolling over?

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