
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Insecure Writer's Support Group-September 2019

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and that means it's time for another meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group. Our leader Alex J. Cavanaugh has assembled another bunch of fantastic co-hosts: Gwen Gardner, Doreen McGettigan, Tyrean Martinson, Chemist Ken, and Cathrina Constantine.

Be sure to check out the IWSG website for lots of great writerly resources!

Here's the optional question for this month: If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

There are so many choices! How can I possibly decide? And once I do pick a place, how can I be sure I'd actually sit down and write rather than wander off to explore? The only way to ensure this wouldn't happen, I think, is to avoid the more touristy spots around the world. I'll have to save those for a vacation.

I think getting a cabin in the woods would be the best bet. Preferably it would have internet access and air conditioning. And a coffee pot, of course. I would also want it to be close enough to a medium sized town so I could pick up supplies as I need them. I think this would allow me enough alone time to focus on my writing while also giving me just enough down time so I don't lose my mind.

Where would you like to write your next story?


  1. All the mod.cons. what a sensible idea, I think I'll join you 😊

  2. You would love my family's cabins on the Little North Fork river in Oregon. I spent so much time there when I was young and it was beyond peaceful. No AC required, either.

  3. Cabin in the woods sounds great. Just as long as it doesn't turn into the movie Cabin in the Woods...

  4. I live in the mountains in Central Pennsylvania, so a cabin in the woods would be wonderful and sensible as long as some of the wildlife kept their distance. Rattler snakes sometimes pop up to greet you.

  5. Do you really want a cabin in the woods though? Isn't that how supernatural killers get you? ;)

  6. It's a balancing act isn't it. Alone enough, but close enough to others to have 'civilization' for needs. I used to write at night, starting at 8pm when my son went to bed. I'd write to about midnight. The only down side was I had a day job that I usually got up by 6am for. lol

  7. A cabin with access to necessary supplies sounds like a good place!
    Happy writing in September!

  8. Now I have the "Cabin in the Woods" song from the Evil Dead Musical stuck in my head...

  9. That sounds like a great spot to write! Definitely would need the coffee and internet, though... you know, for research!

  10. A cabin in the woods would be wonderful! My favorite place to write so far was an Amtrak train crossing the desert between Flagstaff and Albuquerque. Amtrak has a writer in residence program - my dream gig if I can ever get my writing career off the ground (or on the rails).

  11. I think a cabin in the woods would be really cool too. I'd have to have someone with me, and they'd have to be extra quiet unless I needed them for a bear or something.

  12. I'm the opposite. Think I'll procrastinate more if I went to a cabin in the woods. All to beat back the thoughts of something sinister is out in the woods. Watching me. :-O
