
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: March 2020

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and that means it's time to convene another meeting of The Insecure Writer's Support Group. Our leader Alex J. Cavanaugh has assembled another cohort of excellent co-hosts: Jacqui Murray, Lisa Buie-Collard, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, and Shannon Lawrence.

Be sure to check out the IWSG website for great writing advice!

I wanted to take the time here to talk a little about my writing strategies for this year. One of my main challenges has been getting words on the page. I can come up with all kinds of excuses for not getting any writing done. The housework never ends. The kids always need something. I'm often tired. And those are all valid in their own ways, but sometimes I use those excuses as a crutch. I know I can make some time to get at least something written, and that if I want to make serious progress as a writer, that's what I need to do.

That's why I made a New Year's resolution. I set some goals for myself. I decided I was going to write a minimum of 500 words every single day, no excuses. My weekly minimum was 5,000 words. My monthly goal was 25,000 words. I told myself I wanted to exceed those as much as I could, but as long as I met the minimum, then I was doing okay. I got myself a planner and gave myself a star for every 500 words I wrote in a day. It may seem silly, but each star I gave myself felt like it's own little reward.

I'm happy to say that, so far, I've stayed on track with my goal. I haven't missed a day, even though it wasn't always easy. I contracted a nasty chest cold thanks to my children, so writing through that was a challenge. To prove my progress, here are the first two months of writing I documented.

I've now surpassed 70,000 words in my WIP. It's my goal to wrap up the first draft within the next few weeks, and as long as I stick with my word count goals, I should have no problem doing that.

What methods do you use to motivate yourself to write?


  1. That's awesome that you've kept up with your daily goals! I think I need to create some more concrete goals like that, to get myself writing every day.

  2. Good for you! At five thousand a week, you're smashing your daily goals. Keep at it - the end is near.

  3. Congratulations, I set a goal of 1000 words a day and have not done as well as you have. But you've given me a push. I'm going to start my own daily log, should have from the beginning. Thank you!

  4. Huge cheer for you! That word count is very impressive.

  5. That's wonderful! I need to commit like that. Even 100 words a day.

  6. Laura, I've never understood having to find motivation to write. I always have the motivation, but life gets in the way. But I didn't try to write when my children were small. Maybe I'm making up for lost time, LOL. I so admire young mothers writing books!!!!!!

  7. Great strategy - 500 words a day. It's admirable that with all your other time consuming challenges - kids and all - you still could do it. Well done, Laura!

  8. I'm with you as far as making excuses not to write, even though our kids are grown and gone, we're retired from day jobs. So I should be able to write lots, right? I can find all kinds of reasons for procrastinating. I like your star charts. lol Awesome! I just have a silly old spreadsheet. Still, it can be motivating. Good luck with your plans.

  9. Congrats on keeping track with your daily writing goals! Was writing everyday but currently taking a mini break and will get back to rewriting/editing a short I haven't been able to finish. At 500 words a day, hope to finally complete my urban fantasy WIP by June. Then start on the rewrites and edits over the summer/fall.

  10. Hi and congrats!
    I am happy to hear your resolution is working and you have committed yourself to sticking with it.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
