
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

WEP February 2022: All You Need is Love

 Hello everyone! Welcome to a new year of Write...Edit...Publish! Since our year of art was such a great success, we decided to seek inspiration from music in 2022. It was quite the challenge to come up with such a small list of musical inspirations, but after much good natured debate, we came up with this list.

First up is the famous All You Need is Love by the Beatles. It seemed like a good choice for February and Valentine's Day.

I decided to try something a little experimental with this piece. Using a song for inspiration made me think of poetry, and when I saw conversation hearts in the candy aisle, I felt inspired. I decided to write a poem in the form of a conversation between friends who have differing perspectives on love. Hopefully the formatting is clear for all of you. I looked at it from multiple devices to make sure this looked good on all of them, but I can't check everything.

I hope you enjoy!


Conversation Hearts

       I say                       to you      

    all you need             is love …

It lifts you up when things are dark

    and holds back the cold with

          its warmth and light.

                  Embrace it.

                     Seek it.


                               Love is              grand.

                             I won’t deny     that truth.

                         It is also messy and imperfect.

                          It can surely wound you and

                                leave you in pieces.

                                      Take caution.

                                         Take care.

           Love                       endures.

      It inspires              and nourishes.

Poets and artists draw from its beauty

       and power to fuel creation.

              It binds us together.

                  It cherishes and


                         Love              nourishes.

                  It must also        be nourished.

            Love may die if its flame isn't tended.

                 Please, do not test it too harshly.

                      Treat it with tenderness.

                              It won’t come


          Love is         blind.

     Love is bold    and bright.

  It fulfills us with its splendor.

      It outlasts all adversity.

          It is pure and kind.

                It is eternal.


                            Love               sees.

                        It sees and      it accepts.

                 It is not without conditions, but

                      it can mend and grow with

                        care and communication.

                             Love changes over


          Love is                     timeless.

        It survives            beyond death

    and lives on in the hearts of those

       left behind, providing comfort.

             Memory connects us to

                  our loved ones


                      Love                  lives on,

               bringing both        joy and loss.

             Grief may overwhelm, making it

                    hard to bear, and memory

                        may fade if we don’t

                             appreciate its



            Love is              romance.

       Love is like        a deep breath.

It invigorates and makes us feel alive.

        It flows like water in a river,

              aweeps us away and

                  surrounds us in


                      Love is               complex.

                  It has good       days and bad.

                  It's often patient and hopeful,

                   but not without fail, and not

                          without compromise.

                              Imperfect people




Word Count: 280


Tagline: The nature of love is hard to define.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to read and leave a comment on all the entries!


  1. Hi,
    I like the timelessness of love, the verse where it nourishes, that love sees, and that it is complex. Love sees appeals most to me because too many people are blinded by their own perceptions of others.
    Great job.
    Shalom aleichem

  2. I don't usually read poetry, but I really loved yours. I loved how you designed the stanzas in the shape of a heart. It was very creative. So true love is complex and full of compromises.

  3. Love this! Beautiful.
    My favourite line - treat it with tenderness :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. That's the coolest thing you did. Kudos. Love the poem as well. Love, can't be measured.

  6. I love your poem. I might be a cynic but I side firmly with the doubtful, purple-verse person. "Love is complex... Imperfect people can't love perfectly..."
    Oh, yes. I couldn't have said it better myself.

  7. A really nice take on the prompt. Like Olga I am more comfortable with the doubter. Imperfect people can't love perfectly. Indeed. And perfection in people is not achievable.

  8. Love the experiment! It looks great on my screen. Also a great poem.

  9. Wonderful experiment! I like the shape of the passages, but also the content. "Love is like a deep breath."

    Yes indeed!

  10. Congratulations, Laura. I'm glad you experimented with shape and color for your 'heart' poem. So many aspects of love come to mind, but love can't be constricted - love is a many-splendid thing -- love lifts you up where you belong -- but, really, it's hard to define love. Corinthians tried.

  11. Just loved your shape poem. Particularly the ending line - imperfect people can't love perfectly. So true! yet imperfect love is blessing enough. What a spectacular way to start off the year of music! Kudos.

  12. I absolutely LOVE this, from the content to the format to the design! The red friend is obviously an idealist, while the pink one is a pragmatist, which resonates the most.
    Love changes over time. Yes, it does! 👏👏👏

  13. Your shape poem was so clever and the conversation was great too.

  14. Well done! The shape worked! I loved most “ Love is complex… imperfec5 people can’t love perfectly…”

  15. Oh, I love this... all of it, but especially the concept. I think I'm a pink, rather than a red, though ;)

  16. I love your calligram! Very creative.
    Great conversation too which reveals the differing points of view.

  17. I love that each verse is in the shape of a heart :) So pretty!

  18. Great reading - lovely format and words

  19. This seems like an interesting conversation between someone with an idealistic version of love and someone with a more mature, nuanced view. The formatting is very clever. I really enjoyed this.

  20. Deep! Good stuff. ❤💗 And I appreciated your visual display too.

  21. Hi Laura - that is wonderful to see ... I'm definitely a purpley heart! Love is deep and can be challenging ... congratulations - cheers Hilary

  22. Really liked the shape of the poem. Also loved how you brought out two perspectives on love.

  23. Good writing and set up of this poem.

  24. Wow, what a clever way to write a poem about love. All of the stanzas are meaningful. "Love is timeless" means the most to me.
    Thanks for such a terrific take on the prompt.

  25. Really creative word art there! I like that you didn't just offer words, but also a fun visual. Coolness.

    Hope you're having a great day! My latest blog post has my theme for the April #AtoZChallenge (I'm writing speculative fiction and looking for prompts).
    At Operation Awesome we have the #PassOrPages query contest going on (friends or enemies to lovers Romance).
    Looks like I'll be very busy the next few weeks!
    March quote: "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." - Mark Twain

    1. I'm doing the #AtoZChallenge - writing a speculative fiction short story.
      On the main A to Z site today for "B" I shared a list of books. Check it out! You will especially like the list.
      At Operation Awesome we're doing the A to Z Challenge and running a survey to pick the next Pass or Pages query contest genre.

  26. Exceptional! Beautiful! Perfect! Can you tell I loved it? :)
