
Monday, June 18, 2012

Books Are My Reward, but Awards Are Great Too!

The fabulous Krista McLaughlin at The Jelly Beans of Writing has passed on The Booker Award to Yours Truly.  

The rules of the award:

*  This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the blog must be at least 50% about books (Reading or writing is okay)
*  Along with receiving this award, you must also share your top five favorite books you have ever read.
*  You must give this award to 5-10 other lucky book blogs you adore.

Since I've gotten this award before, and the other times I chose my favorite fiction books, this time I'll mention a few of my favorite non-fiction books.  This won't by any means be a complete list, because I love many non-fiction books as well.  To see the other lists, go HERE and HERE.

  1. Don't Panic: Douglas Adams & The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Neil Gaiman (One of my favorite authors of all time writing about one of my favorite authors of all time.  How could I not love this?)
  2. The Neil Gaiman Reader, edited by Darrell Schweitzer
  3. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank (Ultimately heartbreaking, but very human and always inspiring.)
  4. Coming of Age in the Milky Way by Timothy Ferris
  5. The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James
  6. The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God by Carl Sagan
The last two on this list go together for me.  Though I'm not religious, especially not in any strict following-dogma kind of way, I'm always interested in asking the big questions.  I also find it interesting to see how other people search for those for the answers.    Carl Sagan's book is composed of the 1985 Gifford Lectures, and is meant to be a response to #5.  Whether you search for answers in your life through religion or science (I personally lean toward science), both books are very interesting reads.  What I learned from these two books is that all of us cling to one or the other because we want to understand the nature of existence and what that nature means in our lives.

1.  Sania @ Embracing Dawn
3.  Donna L. Martin @ On The Write Track

Now, I know I'm supposed to pass this on to at least 5, but having given this one out before, I can't remember who else I've awarded with this.  My memory isn't the best on Mondays.

Thanks again Krista!

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