
Saturday, June 30, 2012

How We Met

Okay.  It's time for the How We Met Blog Hop, hosted by the lovely Melinda Dozier. Without further adieu, here's the story of how I met my husband.

     Home from my freshman year at college, I was perusing the graduation announcements for the class below me.  I scanned the pictures, looking for my friends.  Then I spotted an abnormality.  A boy I'd never met.
    He had blond hair and a winning smile.  His name was below the photo.  Jamon.  An odd name, I thought.
     A couple minutes later, there was a knock at my door.  When I opened it, I was stunned.  
     My friend Mike stood there, and standing next to him was Jamon.  Granted, his hair was messier than his picture, and he was wearing a black band shirt.  
    I had the strangest feeling about Jamon.  I knew he was going to be important to me somehow.  Of course, I said nothing of it.
     I gave Mike a hug.
     Jamon looked rejected.  "What about my hug?"
     I started dating Jamon a month later, and we're still together.

Now, oddly enough, I don't have access to any of our older photos right now.  Some are lost, some are stored away somewhere.  We didn't get a digital camera until well after everyone else had them.  The oldest photos I have are from our wedding. Jamon and I met when I was 19 and he was still 17.  At our wedding, I was 21 and he was a few weeks away from being 20.  Not too bad, right?  These pictures resemble what we looked like when we met better than they resemble what we look like now.

So here you go.  And I'm putting more of Jamon because I've posted a lot of wedding pictures of me on this blog before.  Go HERE to see the others.

Jamon at our rehearsal dinner.

Jamon on the way to the wedding.

Jomon waits for me at the end of the aisle.

Me and my mom after the ceremony.

The happy couple.


  1. Hugs, the great equalizer. Great tale!!!

  2. Aww lovely story. Me and hubbie got together young too and are still going strong.

  3. Home from college? Me too! Sounds just like my love story!

  4. Love the story! Funny how it seems it was "meant to be." Congrats! I enjoyed the pics too. Thanks for participating.

  5. Pictures to be proud of, enjoyed looking and reading.

  6. Adorable story! And isn't it interesting, that 6th sense that quietly lets us know we're in the middle of a monumental moment? Congratulations!
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. I still think of that moment often. I don't know how I knew. I just did.

  7. I still won't forget what ELSE he said to you when he met you! Haha, that was definitely Classic Jamon. :)

    1. Well, I figured I should keep it PG-13 here! And he did ask for a hug first. What followed, however, has been a recurring theme in our relationship!

  8. Fate was working for you back then. You look like a very happy couple :) I like your new profile pic too, by the way

  9. Awww!! I love love stories!! He looks like he may be a pretty fun guy!! Does he have a good strong sense of humor?? I get the feeling he does just by looking at him! You two look so great together!! Beautiful couple!!

    1. He does have a strong sense of humor indeed. It's one of the reasons I married him!

  10. What a simple, sweet story. You two are very cute together! ;)

  11. Aww that's a lovely story! So sweet :)

  12. Awww, such a sweet story, and I love your photos! :)
