
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Doctor Who Spoof

For those of you who successfully survived another Monday, here's a little fun to get you through the rest of the week.

How many of you out there love Doctor Who?  I know I sure do.  Here is the first video in a new web series that has fun with the Doctor Who universe.  I watch every spoof of Doctor Who that I can, because it's all in good fun!



  1. Excellent!
    Although I was disappointed with the ending Saturday. Rory was the one picked by the angels, but Amy was the first one to run into them. Why didn't they go after her. And isn't that the same way they got rid of another traveler with the last Dr. Some wonky reason he could never go back, or save her.
    Not satisfying enough, at least for me -- but I still love the series.
    Oh and just so you know I've mentioned you in my Wednesday IWSG blog for your blogspiration blog. It helped to inspire me. Thanks.
