
Monday, December 3, 2012

And You Are . . .? Blog Hop

The time has arrived for the And You Are . . . ? Blog Hop!  This bit of holiday fun is made possible by Tammy Theriault and Emily R. King.  How could I pass up on an interview with David?  I mean, look at him!  You CANNOT say no to that face!

1. How many speeding tickets have you gotten? 1.  I've gotten tickets of other kinds as well, but the speeding ticket is the one the cop usually elects to drop so he looks like he's being nice.

2. Can you pitch a tent?  It depends on what kind of tent you're talking about. I'm not a man, so I can't pitch that kind of tent (if you know what I mean ;-), but if I were to go camping, I can pitch a tent to sleep in.  It may not be a pretty sight, but I can get it done. 

3. What was your worst vacation ever?  I'm not sure you could really count this as a vacation, but have you ever tried camping on a cold, rainy Easter weekend in Iowa.  The flimsy tent did nothing to fend off the cold.  Talk about miserable conditions.  I was 18 years old, and I thought this sounded like fun.  Had we gone camping in the summertime like normal people, it would have been better.

4. What was the last thing you bought over $100?  My husband and I bought a big TV with our tax return.  We didn't even need it, but you know how boys like their toys.  At least it's a nice TV.

5. We're handing you the keys to what?  A room filled with rabid wolverines.

6. What was the last meal cooked that made even you sick?  This meal was cooked as part of that vacation from question #3.  I was with two guys, and all we had to cook with was hot dogs, eggs, some ground beef, and some beer.  At the end of the trip, our food supplies were dwindling, and all we had left was ground beef and beer.  So the guys decided to make beer marinated ground beef. The ground beef was fatty, and the beer put it over the top as the most disgusting thing I've seen.  I didn't actually cook it, but I was present for its creation, so I feel I have some liability in the matter.  

7. Fill in the blank: Oh my gosh! Becky, look at her butt! It is so big. She looks like _____?  . . . a hot air balloon was inflated in her pants!

8. What was your first car?  A 1979 Lincoln Continental.  I got it about a month after my 16th birthday.  I guess if the question were "What was your first boat?" this would still be an appropriate response.  This car was HUGE!  I remember I drove to school in heavy fog one morning.  When I got there, I told a classmate that it was so foggy I couldn't see past my hood.  He wittily replied that with my car, this was still a long way.

9. Your best friend falls and gets hurt. Do you ask if he/she's okay or laugh first? Laugh and take pictures!  Ask if they're okay so you can document the inevitable angry retort.

10. What's the worst song ever?  LMFAO's Sexy and I Know It.  Sorry, the song is bad enough, but the music video is enough to send me over the edge.  And I know I'm writing off the edge over here, but this is too much for me.  If you haven't seen the terribleness, I can't say I'm recommending it.  Yet, if you're into extreme sports, you may be able to survive it.  Watch at your own risk!


  1. The camping trip sounds terrible but we do these things when we are young!

  2. We just did an event the other day and one of our presentations had this song in the background. It got the whole crowd pumped up. It is an awful song, but makes you move. Nice to know more about you M.G.

  3. rabbid wolverines?? wow you're a tough lady! :)

    Fun answers. Nice to meet you!

  4. What will you do with A room filled with rabid wolverines? Maybe I don't want to know. I love your sense of humor. I am your newest subscriber.
    I played too, here is mine.

  5. Oooo.. I almost said that song! I've never heard the original, but during the last visit to my parents, my brothers kept pulling of their shirts, encircle me (tightly), wiggle and sing this song. What is it with these sexy songs????

  6. Hahahah! Room of rabid wolverines. Do tell?
    I can't pitch that kind of tent either and I'm happy about that. wink wink

  7. those are great! what will you do with those keys?!

  8. My niece was caught singing that song in the hallway at school. She was 7 at the time.

    I too am curious about the rabid wolverines.

  9. Oh that song!

    Pitch a .. oh... can't even go there. You're so bad! (But made me snort my coffee.)

  10. I don't like the song either. Loved the answers.

  11. *waves from the bloghop* nice to meet you!

    *snicker* I didn't even THINK of that connotation of "pitching a tent", though I wouldn't have responded in that regard anyway because *cough* my mother sometimes reads my blog.

  12. your entries made me giggle a lot! :) Pitching a tent! ROFL! Agreed on that song, it is AWFUL!

  13. I'm a fellow laugher, too. And your first car is great. It was definitely a boat. :)

    Thanks for participating!

  14. One time my family decided to go camping over Christmas Vacation, yeah, that wasn't fun :)

  15. That is an awful song.
    And why do all bad vacations revolve around camping? That's what hotels are for.
    Yes, we boys need our expensive toys...

  16. I feel your pain with the boat - I had an '82 Buick Le Sabre. Only upside was that if you got in a car accident, you were almost guaranteed to get out if it without a ding. Those things were built like tanks!

    Happy Hopping!

  17. You should definitely win for the most unusual answer to what you want the keys too. haha.

    And my first car was a 75 Caddy, so I know EXACTLY what you mean!!

  18. I like the roomful of wolverines too! New follower - please consider following me.
    Java With Jambor

  19. What are you planning to do with those wolverines? I need to know.

  20. Your keys answer made me laugh! Good luck with those wolverines.

  21. It sounds like neither one of us should camp...ever. The only song by LMFAO is Shots. It's rather catchy ;D

  22. You know, I didn't think of camping as a vacation, but you reminded me of a trip we took to the mountains one year. It was in June because it was for my brother's birthday. We got a freak blizzard AND happened to be on fire restrictions, so were freezing cold the whole time, but for some reason we stuck it out. What can I say? We were young?

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  23. Maybe I'm the only one who noticed, but I thought it was funny how you said you could pitch a tent (though it may not be pretty) and then your worst vacation ever also involved a tent...did you pitch that one? LOL. :-)

  24. Camping as the answer to worst vacation has featured a lot, including in mine!
