
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Express Yourself: Memorable Holiday Gift

It's once again time for the Express Yourself Weekly Meme, hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.  This week's prompt is an appropriate one given the time of year.

What is your most memorable holiday gift?

I was a little girl when this happened.  One Christmas, I woke up to see I only had one present under the tree.  The gift itself was something I'd wanted: a collectible Native American Barbie.  I loved the clothes, and even as a kid, I found Native American cultures to be very interesting.  That alone would have been memorable for me, but just as memorable was the explanation I got as to why I only had one gift that Christmas.

See, I still believed in Santa, so I couldn't be told the real reason, which was that my dad put off his shopping for too long.  One Christmas Eve he got to the store right before it closed, and he only had time to get me that one thing.  Procrastination can have consequences!

Here's the story I was given.  Santa can't fit all of the toys in his sleigh at once. After all, he has to give gifts to children all over the world.  So he uses a teleporter to refill the sleigh as he goes.  Unfortunately, this year the teleporter broke, so he had to give out fewer gifts to make sure everyone had something to open on Christmas.  Santa had, however, scheduled a time to deliver more gifts later on in the week.

So, I got two gifts that day.  The doll, and a creative story.


  1. That is such a wonderful story though. Your dad tried. But hey, now you have a great story to remember forever.

  2. Great gift and even greater story to be shared for many years! ^_^

  3. Nice story, Christmas certainly gives us lots of memorable moments.
