
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Announcing the Beginnings Blogfest

My 1 year blogoversary is coming up, and I figured a blogfest would be an appropriate way to celebrate this milestone.  Now, I've endured some of the usual insecurities.  What if no one signs up?  What if people think my idea for a blogfest is stupid?  What if the world ends before the day of my blogfest?

Okay, I'll admit it, that last one isn't a legitimate concern for me.  If anything, the end of the world would spare me the humiliation of no one signing up.

Either way, I'll never know until I try, so here we go!

The Beginnings Blogfest
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

As I writer, I can appreciate how important beginnings are.  Everyone has to start somewhere.  Everything brilliant was inspired by some specific turn of events.  In celebration of completing one trip around the sun since I started blogging, I want to give everyone a chance to write about a beginning that is important to them.

Do you want to share the events that inspired you to start blogging?  Perhaps you'd like to recall that first awkward blog entry where you tried to introduce yourself to the blogging world.

Or maybe you'd like to write about what inspired you to embark on your career path.  When did the passion for this career choice begin, and how did you go about making it a reality?

You could even start at your real beginning and talk a little about where you were born and what the times were like.

Or, if you'd rather not talk about yourself, you can write about the origins of a favorite book, movie, artistic movement, or pretty much anything else.  After all, I'd feel bad asking you to adhere to any strict guidelines since I'm asking you to write something original.

That being said, if you've already written a post on the subject and you'd rather share that, feel free!  Sometimes posts are received better the second time around.

That's it!  Try to keep your post a reasonable length, but I won't give you any exact word limits for this.  Sometimes self-expression revolts against word limits.  I know this from experience.

So, if you want to join in, sign up, grab a badge (there are two to choose from), and feel free to spread the word!


  1. Sounds like a fun deal. Count us in.

  2. This is a great idea for a blogfest, I'm in!

  3. Great idea :) Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to write about :s

  4. That sounds like fun! I'm in. And I'll plug it in my post tomorrow.

    1. Thanks! It wouldn't be a proper blogfest without your participation!

  5. Signed up! It sounds like an awesome idea! :)

  6. Sounds like a blast, can't wait :)


  7. Hi LG! I just learned about your blog and fest at Alex's site. Great to meet you and congrats on your anniversary! This blogfest sounds great, I'm in! :)

  8. Jumping over from Alex's blog. Sounds like fun.

  9. I'll join in your blogfest! I have to wait to link in on that day though so it will link to the correct post.

    Come and join in my Countdown to Kitschmas!

  10. Awesome idea! I signed in both my blogs (including one non-writing one). Hope you don't mind. :-)

    1. That's fine! I can't wait to visit both your blogs on the day of the blogfest!

  11. Who wouldn't sign up to support a fellow blogger's anniversary AND talk about their beginnings? It's the perfect blogfest to start off a brand new year (provided we don't all die when the Mayan calendar ends, of course)!

  12. I actually linked back to my April series on how I started writing full time. In a sense.


  13. This is a cool idea. Looking forward to it! And happy early blogoversary.

  14. It looks like I fell off of your sign up list. I signed up again, just in case a duplicate appears.

    1. For some reason my linky is being uncooperative. I ended up having to enter you in myself. Hopefully that's all right, and hopefully it stays there this time!

  15. Added my other blog as well! Nice to see this fest filling up!

    1. I'm glad you put your other blog on here! I'm excited to see so many people joining in!

  16. I just signed up and am looking forward to the event and meeting new people. Thanks!

  17. Very cool idea for a blogfest. Looking forward to it!

  18. My blog won't be posted til Thursday, always assuming I can figure what to write. Wednesday's blog is all done and dusted.

  19. What a great idea for a blogfest! I've had your badge for it on my sidebar for weeks while deciding what to write. Then I realized I have an older post that deals with a very important beginning to me, and I've chosen to link up that one. Hope that's OK. Congratulations on your blogoversary!!

  20. I'm reading all of the posts now and leaving comments. It's 7:47 a.m. central time, and MANY people don't have their posts up yet. Oh well. You snooze, you lose. LOL!

  21. Shoot! I missed the deadline for this! It's looking to be a successful blogfest, though, and I wish you the best (and your banner's looking "stellar," btw). :)

  22. Just signed up and put my post live. Found out about it this morning. What fun! Thank you for hosting this!

  23. This sounds like fun, wish I'd seen it sooner. I'll just have to hop around and see what everyone is saying.

  24. I visited everyone on the list. Great posts all. So glad I took part in this.

  25. Just wanted to say I'm loving your blogfest! Lots of great writers here. I had linked up an older post, but I realized the post I wrote today is about beginnings too, so I've added a mention to that post too.

  26. i missed this l.g. bummer girl!!! but i have enjoyed reading other's posts for sure!! great idea for a bloghop, i mean fest. can we say feast and hope there's food at the end??

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