
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group: December 2012

Is it the first Wednesday of the month already?  Geez, time flies!  Anyway, my calendar is telling me that it's time for another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group.  Our Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh deserves many thanks for creating such an awesome group.  The group is so amazing, in fact, that Alex has had to start recruiting two co-hosts for each month.  The co-hosts this month are Livia @ Leave it to Livia and Tasha Seegmiller.  Good luck ladies!  I have every confidence that you'll rock as co-hosts!

I've had a bit of a confidence booster this week, so I'm not quite as insecure as I might typically be.  I'm organizing the Beginnings Blogfest, which is my first foray into the world of hosting.  Besides, of course, co-hosting IWSG last month. I'm grateful for that first experience, because it's given me the confidence to try. And so far, several awesome bloggers have signed up!  I'd also like to thank Alex for his helpful hints about hosting a blogfest.  They've been invaluable.

If anything is continuing to make me feel insecure right now, it's time.  That's why these monthly postings come around again so quickly.  That's why it's already the end of 2012.  Some days it feels like you just need to grab a hold of the time you have and hang on.  If we let our insecurities get the best of us, we'll lose even more valuable time that we could have been dedicating to achieving our goals.  So is an insecurity about time a good thing to have because it can motivate you?  Or is it bad because you risk worrying about too much?  Great. Now I'm insecure about the insecurity that I have about my insecurity.  A perpetual loop of insecurity!

Okay, that's enough of the silliness for now. Before wrapping this post up in a nice bow, I thought I'd give a quick shout out for two blogfests I'm doing in the next several days.  First is the Zombie Blog Hop on Friday, December 7th.  Head on over to Precious Monsters to check it out!  Come on.  It's zombies!  I'm concocting a bit of zombie flash fiction for the occasion, but you can do anything.  The entry just has to be zombie-related in some way.

The Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest is also happening next week.  If you haven't heard about it, you've been living under a rock.  There's no other explanation. Pitch in, for soon the ninja dies of embarrassment!

That's all for now.  Hop around to support your fellow insecure writers!


  1. I'm with you, this year has just flown by so fast. I'm hoping that 2013 is the year the earth's rotation slows down (or I gain some organisational skills) so I can get everything done :)


  2. Congrats on your one year blogaversary, and upcoming blogfest! Hope your "perpetual loop of insecurity" slows down a little!

  3. Lots of great blogfests on! Thanks for sharing, I think I have to check out that zombie one!

  4. You are definitely a busy bee! The year has flown by indeed!

  5. Great blogfests-- thanks for keeping them before us. And yes, busyness can make us feel a little panicked about all that has yet to be done and where did the time go? How true!

  6. It's hard to deal with insecurities LG. What an awesome idea for a blog hop. I'll sign up later today

  7. Time is definitely the enemy. haha. I just put up my Christmas tree last night--and it felt like I JUST took the damn thing down. The older I get the faster the years zip by. It's crazy.

    I could get a LOT more done if I wasn't so fond of sleeping all night.

    I'll be sure to sign up for your blogfest!! :)

  8. This year has gone by ridiculously fast for sure! Also, this Alexfest is getting crazy!!

  9. I'm insecure about time right now! (Especially as I'm just now getting to your blog - not enough time today.) And about Monday.
    Glad you decided to host your own blogfest. I'll let you in on a secret - it's more fun to host!

  10. I can't believe it's December... Wow. Awesome on your first blogfest.

  11. I agree - this year went fast! Parts of it went slow, but it's hard to believe it is December. I'll have to go read about your blogfest! :)

  12. Thanks for the shout-out about the Zombie Blog Hop! I look forward to reading your zombie post, L.G.!!

    Zombie Blog Hop

  13. This month really did fly by and so did the year. I have had one of the busiest and most exciting years of my life so I am sad to see it end.
    I stress all the time about time management too. I have no idea what the answer is:(
