
Friday, January 18, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 1

Today is the first posting of Celebrate the Small Things.  VikLit @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author started this weekly Friday meme as a way to celebrate our little accomplishments.  They can be related to writing, or life in general.  Any accomplishment is worthy of mention.  Just because you didn't save the world this week doesn't mean you don't have anything to be proud of! So feel free to sign up and join in!

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Though I plan on getting more done before the week officially ends, I already have some small accomplishments to share.  So far this week, I've posted three pieces of flash fiction.  I love writing flash fiction because it helps me keep the creative juices flowing.  I've also written my first three posts for the April A-Z challenge.  And lastly, at least as far as my writing goes, I pulled out an old WIP I got stuck on awhile back and started to plug away at it again.  Overall I have a lot of confidence in this novel, and I hope I can finish it in the near future.  I'm determined!

And, of course, I've kept up with the practical aspects of my life.  My kids are alive and fed, the dishes are done, and I'm caught up on all my laundry duties. All in all, I'd say that's a reasonably successful week!


  1. I'm rather happy with the way my blog went this past week. I start the blog last year, took a very long break after a few months, and have just recently come back to it. Many of my old visitors are back, and I've met some new people, too!

  2. What a fantastic idea. The little things matter so much and the little things add up to much bigger things. Congratulations on your first celebration.

  3. This is a great idea and a very useful exercise to keep you cheerful.

  4. What a great list! Flash fiction and working on the WIP and started the A-Z challenge already? GO YOU!!!!

    Thanks for joining in.


  5. Here for the blog hop, but now I'll probably stay a while because I'm really liking your blog!

    My small thing I'm happy for is it's Friday, which means Saturday is fast-approaching. Saturday is the day I wrangle all the family into scraping the weekly patina of neglect that settles upon our house during the week.

    I guess you could say I'm celebrating not having to do all the cleaning alone :)

    Christi Corbett

  6. Wonderful post for the celebrate the small things blog hop! Love your accomplishments! Flash fiction is fun, and I want to do more of that, and get ready for A to Z. However, eyeball deep in last minute edits for my novel (reading it aloud is helping me find some scary mistakes), and I survived our crazy Thursday. And my kids are alive and fed. (but the laundry isn't done - yikes)
    Congrats on your successes!!!

  7. I'd say you had a very successful week! Congrats on getting some flash fic done and breathing life into an old WIP while keeping your kids fed. Keep up the great work! :-)

  8. P.S. This idea is so cute I've joined the blog hop! :-D

  9. Why is it that even when I empty a laundry basket, another one is stalking me? Somebody should write a story about that...
    Congrats to your writing success!

  10. Sounds like you got a lot done--congrats!

    That reminds me, I should start working on April's A to Z posts as well...

  11. Congrats on your accomplishments! I am mostly excited for pulling out old WIPs ...I find it so interesting to read stuff I wrote a long time ago that I haven't read in awhile many things can change from your perspective of it and bring it back to life!

  12. Lots to celebrate. Your creative juices have been flowing. Congrats.
