
Saturday, January 19, 2013

What Are Your 18 Things?

I decided to join in on the What Are Your 18 Things? Blogfest because it sounded like fun.  Jamie Ayers is hosting this event to celebrate the upcoming release of her book 18 Things.

The idea is straightforward.  Sometime between January 17th-24th, blog about your bucket list.  Don't have one?  Then why not write one?  A bucket list can be a good source of motivation.  It helps you organize priorities and focus on what's important.

So, here are my 18 things.
  1. Have a book published the old fashioned way
  2. Visit Australia
  3. Visit the UK
  4. Own a house
  5. Go skydiving
  6. Take flying lessons
  7. Go up in a hot air balloon
  8. Own a writing desk (somehow I've been meaning to get one for a long time but it just hasn't happened)
  9. Go to a sci-fi convention
  10. Meet Neil Gaiman
  11. Meet Neil deGrasse Tyson (wow, I must like Neils)
  12. Be interviewed on TV or in a major publication about my writing
  13. Go to Adult Space Academy
  14. Give my kids a fun family vacation.
  15. Make sure my kids get a good education
  16. Learn Klingon
  17. Meet an actor who's played The Doctor
  18. Go into space (I know this one's extra ambitious, but with private industry making plans for commercial flights, it's not impossible)
There's my list!  Some items are more ambitious than others, but I think it's a pretty good list to keep me motivated.  What items would you put on your bucket list?


  1. Learn Klingon - that just might be the most difficult item on your list!

  2. OH this sounds like such fun LG! I think I'll give it a try!!! I've been needing some motivation for my other blog at The Simple Kind Of Life! I think I'll go sign up!!! And I love your ambitious dreams!! I hope someday you can say you did it!!! It would be beyond this world!!!

  3. You want to learn Klingon? You should carry a napkin then, as the words will have a tendency to make you spit.

  4. I'd love to go into space too! :) Also have a book published traditionally and go to a sci-fi convention! Specifically, I'd love to go to a Star Trek Convention. I'm a nerd.

    Great list! I might have to put up some of mine too!

  5. I think your list is most doable! Even going in to space, once you are traditionally published your books will sell in the millions and that trip will be funded!

    Just don't forget us little earthlings!

  6. When I was a kid, I wanted to become an astronaut. I started writing, so became a writer instead. But I share your adult sentiments in that regard!

  7. Klingon! YEssss . . . you'll be happy to know there's lots of Geek Love in 18 Things, hahaha. My friend thought I should get stickers made to put on the front that said, "Nerd Friendly." Hey, I speak from experience. More Star Wars than Star Trek though in 18 Things though. Thanks for playing!!!

  8. Seeing all the sky-loving activities, I smiled, because it's so *you* to want to get up there, while I need to take a Xanax before I can even board a plane. :-D

  9. To do more travelling: Love to see what Alex look likes:
    These are just two favourite things at the moment.

    Loved your post, most interesting.

  10. Adult Space Academy!? I am so there :)
    Great list!

  11. Two things I'd like to do is to learn Welsh (to the point where I can hold a conversation with a native Welsh speaker) and be able to play the Harp. Good luck with the Klingon ;)


  12. Very ambitious! Wave to me from the rocket ship. :)

  13. Sorry I missed this blog fest. I am ready to re-do my bucket list as I have ticked off so many of them this year. Number one on my current list is to visit Petra in Jordan.
