
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Express Yourself: Oh, the Anticipation!

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by the always amazing Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

This week's question is . . .


Are there any books, movies, or music you're anticipating for in 2013?

Every year brings something great to the world, and I'm sure this year will be no different.  There's one book I cannot help but anticipate.  As an avid Neil Gaiman fan, I was excited to hear about his upcoming adult novel The Ocean at the End of the Lane.  He always manages to whip up amazing tales, so this is one book I know I'll have to read.  It comes out June 18th.

As far as movies go, there are two I'll mention here.  They are Star Trek Into Darkness and Catching Fire.  I've seen these two movies on lists already, but that's hardly a surprise.

Music is a different story.  I'm not eagerly awaiting the release of any particular album.  Instead I'll listen freely to what comes out.  As always, I'll come to love new songs in the coming year, and there will also be new ones that will rub me the wrong way.  Such is life.  

What are you looking forward to this year?


  1. I've never heard of this author; I best geton it and find out more about him. I also can't wait for these movies! I'm the same with music.

  2. My movie list continues to grow. This will be a great year for movies!

  3. Well, I think that would be Star Trek, so far.

  4. One of my friends is a huge Gaiman fan. She gave me Neverwhere to read last year, and I liked it. So, I'll be checking out this new one. Thanks for the info!

  5. Wow! I've barely got myself into 2013 and haven't had time to explore movies yet. I'll have to check these out for starters. Thanks.

  6. I'm looking forward to Star Trek and Iron Man 3. Don't really know what music is coming out . . . and there would be way too many books to list:-) P.S. Thanks for signing up for my blogfest . . . you were chosen as a winner by for an 18 Things giveaway, so hop on over to claim your prize!

  7. I'm really excited for the Warm Bodies movie. I bought the book and anticipate reading it after the movie comes out next Friday. Day job's been hella busy; I hope Feb. 1 will be my night to reward myself!
