
Thursday, January 3, 2013

FSF: A Barren World

It's time for another Five Sentence Fiction installment.  Check out Lillie McFerrin's site to learn how to participate.

The word for this week was Midnight.  I decided to use the word in a symbolic way this time around.  I hope you enjoy!

If you'd like to read the entire Unchained story from the beginning, go to this PAGE.

Chapter 13: A Barren World

“This world was destroyed by an energy weapon during the War of 1,000 Planets a couple hundred years ago,” Nara said softly as she peered at the image on the viewscreen.

Image courtesy of duron123
Ylana studied the rocky surface of the small world, and she couldn’t imagine any life ever graced its surface.  She looked down at the piece of paper where she’d mapped out the star formation that she kept seeing in visions, and a similar configuration of stars was certainly visible from this system, yet this certainly couldn’t be the planet they needed to find.  “If no one’s lived here for that long, there’s no way this murder took place here.”

“I know that,” Nara said, wiping a tear from her eye, “but I wanted to show you what’s left of my homeworld.”

Go to Purpose


  1. A beautiful saga's continuing... a lovely way to fsf! :)

  2. A sad moment in this saga.


  3. I may have get acquainted with this saga. This was well written and draws an interest to the story.

  4. Nice twist at the end - unexpected.

  5. I love the way you used 'Midnight' here. I just love your series....and am here every week faithfully.

  6. So sweet, lovely snapshot of a larger story here.
