
Monday, January 28, 2013

Lunar Lovin' Hop

It's a day filled with hops!  To see my entry for the first day of the World Building Blogfest, click HERE.  To see my entry for the Re-Introduce Yourself Blogfest, click HERE.

Also today is the Lunar Lovin' Hop!  The always awesome Mina Lobo at Some Dark Romantic decided to pay tribute to the full moon.  All we need to do is take a picture of the full moon and share it!

So, I do have a few pictures of the moon.  They aren't great by any means, but they're the best I can get with my camera.  My photography skills aren't the best. Unfortunately, they aren't even pictures of the full moon.  I took these on Friday night when I could actually see the moon.  I wanted to cover my bases. You know how uncooperative the weather can be.  It's a good thing too, because the last 24 hours have been nothing but freezing rain here in central Iowa.  I'd take a picture of tonight's sky to show you how misty it is, but I don't want to risk falling on my icy porch. :)


  1. I love seeing different moon pics from around the world! :)

  2. I did take a pic of the sleet... not fun!

  3. I love the halo around the moon. I tried to get at least that. :)

  4. It rained here so my pics have no moon. :(

  5. No moon, only clouds and fog, and rain and snow!

    No sun at all today either, how depressing.

  6. I like your moon pics, especially the one with the star-burst/ halo effect around it. I also took a few shots on Saturday, just to be sure. We live in an area where the weather is really unpredictable too.

  7. Very cool moon pics! It rained here too. Though on Saturday, the moon was HUGE!

  8. Love 'em!!! Especially that second, star-bursty one! I realized my mistake after I posted the hop announcement: I shoulda made it for the whole week that the moon's full, just in case of crappy weather! I'll get it right next time. :-) Thanks for hoppin' with me!

  9. The first picture I took of the moon was Saturday, and it was bright and awesome. Then Sunday, the clouds rolled in and it got all fuzzy. I covered my bases too, not knowing if it would rain or not :)


  10. Beautiful pictures, the second one is my favourite :)

  11. Atmospheric shots! I wouldn't know it wasn't a full moon.
