
Monday, January 28, 2013

Re-Introduce Myself Blogfest

It's a day filled with blogfests for me!  To see my post for the Lunar Lovin' Hop, click HERE.  To read my entry for Day #1 of the World Building Blogfest, click HERE.

This blogfest is hosted by Stephen Tremp, Mark Koopmans, Elise Fallson, and C.M. Brown.  The purpose is simply to reintroduce yourself to the growing community of bloggers.  Simply take a moment and tell us something interesting about yourself. Anything. It can be about writing. Or blogging. Or a hidden talent. Perhaps you’re in the Witness Protection Program.  Feel free to keep your post short.  This is meant to be a quick and fun blogfest.

I don't enjoy making a fool of myself.  Acting crazy is one thing, but I don't enjoy making mistakes in front of people.  So when I went out to eat and mistook a container of sugar for a salt shaker, I couldn't admit that I made a mistake.  Yes, my biscuits and gravy were covered with sugar by the time I realized my error, but I couldn't admit it aloud to the other people at the table.  Though they laughed anyway.  What did I do?  I ate the entire thing.  Yes, it tasted disgusting, but I stuck with it and cleaned my plate.  It's been several years since that happened, but I still shudder when I remember the taste.

Let it never be said that I don't finish what I start.  Even when it would be permissible to quit.  I'm just too stubborn.


  1. Your post reminded me of my late husband many years before he passed away. He wanted to make himself a hot chocolate drink , went into the kitchen made his drink and returned to the lounge.He did comment it tasted awful......then I went into the kitchen to discover he'd made his drink with gravy powder.


  2. You're a trooper! I couldn't have finished it.
    Yvonne's story is even more disgusting though.

  3. Yuck! I would've laughed - and then went to get more biscuits.

  4. Good for you... but I would have ordered more biscuits and gravy. Stat!

  5. Stubborn is good. Unless you mistake sugar for salt hahaha. At least you can laugh about it now.

  6. I would rather put the food aside and claim I'm not hungry, hahaha. Nice to meet you again L.G.

  7. I did the opposite, put a bunch of salt in coffee once.
    But I have never been afraid to make a fool of myself and spit it out in something akin to one of those comic spit takes. You know big old mouthful and spit it all out at once. ;)

    Great to "meet" you again!

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side.

  8. Oy I'm so sorry that happened to you. But perhaps knowing you have a problem is the first step in a direction of resolution?

  9. Bet you never did it again, though. :)

  10. I know what you mean, my most embarrassing moment occurred after a visit to the restroom, I walked back through a crowd with my skirt tucked into my panty hose. Thank God I was wearing underwear and no one had a cell phone.

    Nice to meet you L.G.

  11. And people call me stubborn! I got nothing on you. (: I would have gone straight to dessert!

  12. Hilarious! Making a fool of yourself just makes you more human and charming. Don't be ashamed. I would have laughed at you as well, sorry to say. But I'm sure the love was still there from your friends.

  13. You win the stubborn prize. Sometimes your stomach demands you must give in.

  14. We are all human and make mistakes... and I'm one who laughs first at my own mistakes... in that way it lightens the moment...
    I don't know how you finished that food? I would have put it aside and moved on...
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Reminds me of the time my tween and her friend used salt instead of sugar to make the brownies. Yuck. Nice to meet you. I did the blogfest too.

  16. That is stubborn! Thanks for sharing that little tidbit. :)

  17. You are definitely stubborn. I don't think I could have eaten that! More power to you! :)

  18. I'm not one for trying new dishes, but that might be worth a shot! LOL

  19. Dang girl, you are tenacious :) I love biscuits and gravy (especially if they come with hashbrowns) and I have to cover them in salt.


  20. This is a great story! It really sounds like something I would do, and I'm exactly the same, really stubborn!

  21. Hi, L.G.

    Man, you are stubborn.... But it does show character. But remember we all make mistakes, and that DOESN'T mean you are making a fool of yourself. Stuff happens.

    But on the other hand and least you know you don't like sugared biscuits and gravy.

  22. This is a funny post! It's exactly the sort of thing I would do too. Part of it is not wanting to bother anyone because of my mistake. I was camping with my parents as a youngster once and ordered soup of the day in this cafe without asking what it was. It was mushroom which I hate (to me they're slimy and yucky), so I just swallowed them all whole and tried to ignore the taste because I didn't want to send it back.

  23. Wow, I thought I was stubborn. I bow down to you, leader of stubborn mules everywhere. I once ran out of ground beef seasoning mix, so I tried to use seasoning salt instead. I only made it through two bites before throwing the whole batch out. Yark.

    Nice to re-meet you!
