
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Musing About My Busy Writing Week

I usually do these posts on Monday, but my blogging schedule for this Monday is so busy that I decided to put this up a day early.    

This past week I resolved to work on my A-Z posts, and I did.  I'll admit, I didn't get quite as far as I'd hoped, but I did get some good work done.  I have no real reason to complain.

I finally decided that I do want to enter both of my blogs in the A-Z challenge.  I even selected a theme for my other blog's A-Z posts and completed a couple of them.  The posts for my writing blog will require more work on my part, but I hope I'll be able to offer something interesting in those other posts as well.  

My goal for the coming week is to complete my A-Z posts through the letter I for both blogs.  Ambitious, maybe, but I think I can do it.  I also need to remember to sign up when the linky list goes live.

It's going to be an insanely busy writing week for me, but I just need to keep telling myself that I can do it.  I know I can.  It's merely a matter of believing I can do it and not making any excuses.

Do you have any specific goals for the week?


  1. I also have been working on my A to Z,as I want it complete well before 1st April.


  2. You are one brave woman to do both!
    I have my theme and posts planned, but haven't written any yet.

  3. I haven't started planning my A to Z posts yet, but I'm definitely doing them in advance this year! Last year I did them on the day, and it was hard to keep up. I haven't fully committed to a theme yet, but I have ideas.

  4. I hope A is for Ambitious!!! Lol!! I "B"elieve in you!!
