
Monday, January 21, 2013

Plans for the Week

My muse isn't angry with me right now.  We seem to be working together harmoniously this week.  Then again,  it is only Monday. 

I have a few simple goals for this week.  It will be a lot to accomplish, but not so much that I don't think I can handle it.  Last week, I completed posts A, B, and C for the April A-Z Challenge.  This week, I hope to get three more done.  So here I come D, E, and F!  Maybe I'll do more if the inspiration is good to me in that area, but those three are the ones I am promising myself I'll do.

I'm also toying with the idea of signing up my other blog for the A-Z Challenge so I can get more traffic for it.  If I do, I need to come up with an idea for relatively simple, short posts.  Doing something complicated for both blogs might kill me.

I'm also going to work on the WIP I dug out again last week.  I'm hoping to get at least a couple thousand words done on that.  I know I can do it if I put my mind to it.

Then, of course, I'll stick to my normal blogging schedule.  There's plenty to do, but I'm feeling motivated!


  1. Kudos to you for getting started on the A-Z Challenge already! I still haven't figured out my theme!


  2. Good job on getting prepared for A-Z! I am definitely doing A-Z on my entertainment blog so I can hopefully get more people reading it, but I'm not sure about my writing blog yet. The idea of doing two is slightly exhausting!

  3. I too have started on my A to Z, with the weather being so cold it gives me an excuse to get started.


  4. You've a busy schedule L.G. Never give up, never surrender.

  5. That is impressive Laura! I haven't even picked a theme or decided if I really really want to do it this year. I better get working on that... Great work so far! :)

  6. Good God, LG, you've *already* written some A to Z posts?! Dang! I've got as far as deciding on a theme and matching some subjects to letters. (I focused on matching up the "hard" letters first...hope the rest come as easily!)
