
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blogspiration 39: Exploration

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers & writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the author’s choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.

This is the last week for Blogspiration.  Thanks to the awesome hosts who made this possible!  I'd also like to thank everyone who got involved with this meme, because you all contributed something special.

Though this is the end of Blogspiration, I think I'll still try to post something inspiring each week, simply because it helps me to boost my own spirits when I begin to feel frustrated.

For this post, I wanted to address the topic of exploration.  Humans are explorers by nature.  The urge to explore and understand motivates scientists to do what they do. There's a sense of wonder in this process.  I enjoy seeing the wonder of discovery in the eyes of my children when they see something for the first time.  Even as adults, we need not lose that sense of wonder.

From Quasars to Quarks
Facebook page.

Scientists push toward new frontiers of understanding, but this is not the only way to gain new insights.  As a writer, I feel I go through a similar process. Writing emboldens me to see things that I may never get the chance to see in real life.  It allows me to experience things I'll never know.  Through my writing, I get to ask questions and seek out the answer through word play.

From Fantasy and Sci-Fi Rocks My World
Facebook Page

I hope I never lose my thirst for exploration.  Without that thirst to know and be more, we could never grow.


  1. yes yes yes! How boring life would be without those things left to be discovered-- both internally and externally.

  2. I like that "I write to explore all the things I'm afraid off." Hits the nail on the head for me!

    I'm glad to see you'll continue to inspire us, it's appreciated!

  3. What a beautiful, inspiring post. This is definitely one I think is worthy of being a final Blogspiration tribute. Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. Oh, boo. I wrote a comment and clicked away without posting.
    L.G., thank you so so much for sharing. I'm a big BIG fan of Joss Whedon, but Brian Cox' quote is... wow.

    Also, you have no idea how very happy this makes me: " Though this is the end of Blogspiration, I think I'll still try to post something inspiring each week, simply because it helps me to boost my own spirits when I begin to feel frustrated."

    Thank you, lovely ♥♥♥

  5. Very inspiring! As writers we can create a new universe for our readers to live in. They become a part of our imagination when they read. And when we face our fears, we have conquered new heights as explorers. Great stuff! Thanks!

  6. I love discovering new things! It makes life so interesting.

  7. Some people I know that are believers in "God of the gaps" really should read this post and ask themselves why they think that way.

  8. Reason number five thousand and twenty that I love Joss Whedon!

  9. Great points L.G. and what a great quote by Whedon. He's so inspirational.

  10. LG, As always, your posts are so amazing!!! That you for participating in Blogspiration and making it what it was!! I am going to miss your posts so much!!
