
Monday, February 18, 2013

Some Geekdom to Start Out My Week

My husband and I got to go to the movies and out to dinner this weekend.  It was a lot of fun.  We saw Warm Bodies.  Whoever would have thought you could have a movie about romance between a human and a zombie?  Vampires may be dead in a technical sense, but they don't rot.  Zombies rot.  Even so, I quite enjoyed the movie and I'm glad I got a chance to see it.  This story is obviously a twist of Romeo and Juliet, complete with similar names and a balcony scene.  Yet, it's also quite unique in many ways, and well done (at least in my opinion).  I also know it's based on a book, which I may have to add to my TBR pile.

After the movie, we stopped by a bookstore and picked up a couple of gems. This first one is something that my husband and I both knew we needed to get.

We play Trivial Pursuit all the time, and we've memorized so many of the questions from all the versions of the game we own that we had to turn to a new source of trivia.  So here it is.  We played last night, and it was nice to have a whole new batch of questions we'd never seen before.  How long this book will last us, it's hard to say.

This second one is for me.  I love debating philosophy, and I love watching Doctor Who!  How could I pass this one up?  I've already read a couple of the essays in this book, and I'm loving it!

Wherever my muse takes me this week, I have no doubt it will be inspired by the geekdom mentioned in this post!  I could scream so loud with excitement that I might bring down the house.  So I'll put this here instead.

funny gifs
From GifBin


  1. Cool you found the trivia book. I have a lot of trivia games on my iPad and watch for updates with new questions.

  2. My favorite of the Trivial Pursuit is the Lord of the Rings one. I love it and I can probably answer all of the questions, give or take a few, correct. :) That gif is hilarious!

  3. Aw, what a sweet way to spend Valentine's Day! I loved Warm Bodies; got the book sitting on my (towering) to-be-read stack. The friend I went with to see it said R looked better as a zombie. :-D

  4. That's some pretty epic geekdom :) I've not played Trivial Pursuit in so long!

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
