
Friday, March 22, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things: Week 10

It's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I can't lie about the fact that it's been a hard week.  This cold and flu season won't let up.  Having two kids makes it seem that much longer.  My husband caught a bad stomach flu earlier this week, and we all ended up with it.  I'm most worried about my 3 year old, who hasn't been keeping down anything, even fluids.  We're taking him to the doctor a little later today.

Since everything has been so stressful, I won't be doing all my normal postings. I usually post flash fiction on Fridays, but I haven't had a chance to write anything.  I also won't be doing a Weekend Philosopher post this weekend since I need to focus on taking care of my family right now.

Still, even with such a rough week, there are some things to celebrate.  There always are, after all!

I am mostly through with being sick.  I still can't eat like normal yet, but I'm getting there!

I haven't been able to drink coffee since Tuesday.  While that isn't the greatest of things, it also proves that I can survive without it.  This is something I never would have imagined to be true!

I have a couple new books to read.  While I may not have the time right now, I look forward to reading them in the near future!

Even with all the puking going on in my house this week, I managed to keep up with laundry.  That's a feat in and of itself.

What do you have to celebrate?


  1. I'm sorry! Hope your son is all right. Focus on your family this weekend.

  2. Sorry you've had such a bad week, but I'm glad you still found something to celebrate. I'm pretty impressed that you managed to keep up with the laundry! :)

  3. It's been a tough week for you and your family. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Keeping up with the laundry is always a cause for celebration. Take care :)

  4. I am glad you are feeling better. The fact that you even tried to keep up with laundry is worth celebrating. I look for any reason to avoid it.

  5. Hope you feel better soon. Good for you keeping up with a few chores during!

  6. Sorry for all those ugly germies taking over your household. Were I more into writing sci-fi, I'd create an anti-flu molecule that only wipes out the bad aspect of that flu bug. Should it be the whole darned thing, then so be it! Glad you're doing better, but don't overdo it. Laundry, there will always be.

    I know you probably won't be up to it for a while, but I'm having a giveaway to celebrate 100 followers on my blog. The giveaway ends on 4/5, so hopefully y'all be feeling better way before that.

  7. I am sorry you have a poorly house! I hope they are all better soon and it goes okay at the doctor's. Good for you for keeping up with laundry, crikey not easy.

  8. Most definitely, take care of you and the family. Glad you're on the mend. Now I'm off to finish the 2nd thing on my to do list!

    Wishing all the best for you and yours!

  9. Shoot, I can barely keep up with my laundry when I'm feeling 100%. You go girl!

  10. I hate doing laundry as well. Not as much as I hate doing dishes but I hate it so, I admire you doing it sick. I do nothing when I'm sick. Hope you get to feeling better.

  11. Laundry sucks!! But I'm happy to hear you have reasons to celebrate.

    Feel better!



  12. Hope you are feeling well soon! That's impressive to be able to keep up with the laundry.

  13. Ugh - sorry to hear about the miserable virus. I hope everybody recovers soon. I know what you mean about coffee; same thing happened to me re: a stomach virus and no coffee for a week. I never even missed it, and since then I can skip coffee sometimes without really feeling the loss.
    Feel better! :-)
