
Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Big Reveal

Sorry I'm a little late in posting this.  I've been sick the last couple of days.  It's difficult for me to keep up with anything right now.

I'm doing the A-Z Challenge on both of my blogs.  For this blog, I'm going to be posting a story.  Each chapter will correspond with the day's letter of the alphabet.  I'm trying for sci-fi humor on this one.  Not sure how well it will turn out, but I felt like being ambitious!  I can never hope to be as good at this genre as Douglas Adams, of course.  He set the bar rather high.

On my other blog, I'll be posting interesting videos that relate to science.  Most of them will relate to astronomy, while others will deal with other areas of science.  Astronomy is one of my favorite subjects, so that probably has a lot to do with why I'm focusing heavily on that.


  1. Didn't know you had other blog! I'll be checking both. :)

  2. Wow! Two blogs?! That's a lot of work! I'm excited about the science videos! I watched some lectures on physiology the other day on YouTube by a professor at Berkeley. They were so interesting!

  3. You go girl! Looking forward to the reads.

  4. Very cool! I look forward to it! Hope you are feeling better!

  5. Holy cow, you're doing a-z on two blogs?! Awesome. I have no doubt it's going to be great. Hope you start feeling better soon!

  6. Double challenge is very ambitious! Get better, and I can't wait to see your stuff. :)

  7. From what I know of your writing, I know you'll do great work. And doing two blogs from A to Z is like, "Whoa!" :-)

  8. Oh my gosh! You are taking on the world, but such great subjects!

    Feel better, get lots of rest!
    Me -- I'm going to work, NOW!

  9. All the best for the challenge -- video posts sound interesting, as does sci-fi with humor!

    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

  10. I am a new follower an really looking forward to a bit of sci-fi humor. Sounds fun. Taking on two, wow you really are into a challenge.


  11. see you during the A to Z challenge. Good luck!
