
Friday, March 1, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 7

First of all, I'm participating in the Back From the Future Blogfest (click HERE) and The Bloghop of Joy  (click HERE) today.  Follow the links to read those posts.

It's time to join in with VikLit and Celebrate the Small Things!

This has been a hectic, sniffle-filled week, so getting through it at all is an accomplishment worth celebrating!

Earlier this week, I announced the start of The Weekend Philosopher, which will give me a chance to flex my philosophical muscles on a weekly basis.  I invite all of you to read what I have to say and leave comments.  What good is a philosophical post without lively commentary and debate?  I have my topic for this weekend picked and an outline written.  I will post on either Saturday or Sunday, depending on when I get my post polished up just the way I want it.  I'm excited about that!

What do you want to celebrate this week?


  1. Looking forward to reading your thoughts :)

  2. I will be back to read what you get polished!

  3. Can't wait to read your philosophical post!

  4. So sorry about the sniffles. Hope all is better for you next week.

  5. Yay for surviving a hectic week ;)

    Looking forward to reading your philosophical thoughts!

  6. You made it to the weekend!!! Hope all is better for next week!

  7. Congrats on setting up a new blog feature. Have a beautiful weekend :)

  8. Congrats on the new blog feature!

  9. Yes, sometimes getting to the end of the day on Friday is the best thing to celebrate! Philosophical debates? Sounds intriguing...

  10. Your philosophical post sounds interesting... I'll be back to check it out!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I'll celebrate one more week until spring vacation.
