
Friday, April 12, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-Week 13

It's Friday again, and that means it's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

If you'd like to read my A-Z entry for the letter K, you can find it HERE.

Whether your victory is large or small,
share it-we'll celebrate them all!

This week has been notable in many ways.  A few days out of the week, I got to take my kids to play at the park.  They love doing this more than almost anything else.

Before going to bed at night, my kids have both been putting together a puzzle of the United States.  They're getting really good at puzzles now, and my oldest is learning the names of the states.  It's important to fit in opportunities for learning whenever you can!

We had a slight money-related hiccup mid-week.  Nothing major, but it prompted me to get creative in the kitchen.  It's amazing the cheap, flavorful meals I can come up with when needed!  And all is sorted out, so we're good on that front.

I've been immersed in writing fiction all this week when I haven't been looking after my kids.  Fiction makes me smile every time, so that's definitely worth celebrating.

What do you have to celebrate this week?


  1. No writing done as the kids are off school and it is a struggle to get any done especially with the Challenge. But I've been spending a lot of time with the kids, and my youngest stepdaughter got her eye test - 2 years overdue, but her vision has actually improved and she doesn't need to wear glasses so much any more!

  2. What a great week (apart from the money hiccup). I don't have kids but I do have a dog, and she loves going to the park (as do I) :D

  3. Good luck with the writing and all! I need to get back to writing this afternoon.

  4. Sounds like a great week aside from the financial thing. I took my son to the park too. I like the warm weather! I managed to get over halfway done with my WIP. So that was my thrill! :)

  5. Soudns like a great week with the kids. Park and puzzles while learning is awesome!
    Sorry about the financial hiccup but yay for creativity to make it through ;)

  6. I don't have much to celebrate. But I did learn that a house I want to buy may become available soon and I have a good shot at it.

  7. I'm glad you have had good writing time this week. And the puzzle sounds fun!

  8. Hi from a fellow A-Z traveler! I had a good day moving furniture around.
