
Thursday, May 30, 2013

FSF: Desolate Times

It's time once again for Five Sentence Fiction!  The prompt Lillie chose for this week is DESOLATE.

If you've missed previous installments of my serialized FSF story, you can find the entire thing on this PAGE.

Chapter 34: Desolate Times

Charmers were clinically insane psychics who had powers that could both heal and damage the fragile flesh of those with whom they came in contact, but the Wrath was so much more powerful than the Warmth that a charmer could not undo the damage they inflicted.  Even if they could track down the charmer that harmed her, it would do no good, as the Wrath would steadily eat away at her until she was gone forever.

Ylana sat at Nara’s side, her thoughts filled with desolation as she recalled the dead world that Nara once called home, and that her friend would soon meet the same fate.  Was there anything she could do other than sit there and watch Nara die?

Just as Ylana’s thoughts were about to turn utterly dark with despair, her hand found the goggles of fate still perched atop her head, and she felt a glimmer of hope emerge.

Go to Home of Nara's Final Hope


  1. Very intense! And the goggles of fate sound extremely intriguing.

  2. This is an intriguing fantasy world and, I too, love the sound of the "goggles of fate".

  3. I think I've known some clinically insane psychics. The charmers sound like a dangerous lot.

  4. Oh, I love this. Nice intro to world building and those goggles just sound so fun!

  5. Sounds good to me! I love this kind of story.

  6. Oh, I like that little unexpected turn!

  7. I'm so glad there was a glimmer of hope... if only everyone could see that there is always hope - well written.
