
Friday, June 28, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-June 28, 2013

It's Friday, and that means it's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit.

I didn't do a piece of flash fiction today, and I also missed out on posting last Friday, because these last two weeks have had a ton of things fall on Friday. Things I absolutely had to get done.  I won't bore you with the details (it's all mundane stuff, trust me), but I thought I'd at least do this post.  Even if it is a bit late at night for it.

I don't have anything particularly exciting to share, but I did buy a couple of new books over the course of the week.  That's always nice.

My husband and I also saw Man of Steel over the weekend.  I enjoyed seeing it, and it's always good to have a night out when you can.

What would you like to celebrate this week?


  1. Books and man of steel are a good week! :)

  2. Glad you saw the movie. Was that a date night?

  3. New books are always something to celebrate!! Happy weekend.

    Meredith’s Musings

  4. I agree-new books ARE something to be happy about :) I love a new read :)

  5. Lots to celebrate, may be mundane, but sometimes that's the best in the world, believe me!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I went out to watch Man of Steel also, it really is nice to just go out, yay for you and me lol

  7. Those small joys are the spice of life. Glad you enjoyed hubby time. Writer’s Mark

  8. New books always make the week a little better. ;)
