
Thursday, June 27, 2013

FSF: A View of Everything

It's time for more Five Sentence Fiction.  The word that Lillie selected for this week is VIEW.

For those of you who have missed previous chapters of this story, you can find it from the beginning on this PAGE.

Chapter 37: A View of Everything

As it turned out, someone inside the house must have seen Ylana waiting out by the fence, because within a few minutes, during which time she kicked uselessly at the foreboding blades that barred her passage, a tiny man came ambling toward her.

He didn’t bother to ask who she was before he waved a hand, and the gate sprung open without a single touch.  “My name is Warberry,” the man, who only stood as tall as her hip, said amiably as he led her onto the property.

Ylana wondered why he had such a terrifying fence when he seemed to have no problem letting perfect strangers into his home, but she said nothing of it.

“I knew you were coming, and I know what you want,” he said, as if reading her mind, “because from this house, I have a perfect view of everything you could ever hope to know.”


  1. OH, I do want to visit his house!

    Excellent, just excellent!

  2. Very interesting. I just have to enter and look out that window, don't I?

  3. If he ever decides to sell the place, I'll put in a bid...

    Very interesting!

  4. Oh, I loved that last sentence!
