Monday, July 22, 2013

Express Yourself: The Trials and Rewards of Being a Writer

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is brought to you by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

This week's question is: What is the most frustrating/satisfying thing about being a writer?

For me, the most frustrating thing about being a writer is writer's block.  No matter how often you write or how creative you are, you will run into instances where the words or ideas simply won't come.  You may feel bad because you aren't producing quality writing, or you may be frustrated because you know you have a great idea for a story, but you simply can't seem to get it to work. That kind of creative blockage can be awful.

The most satisfying thing about being a writer is seeing a story come together. When I see my characters spring to life on the page and interact in a vibrant world that I created for them, I feel good about myself.  As a writer, I want to tell stories that people care about.  When I manage to do that, it's one of the best feelings in the world.


  1. When it comes together, that's when you yell SCORE!

  2. So true!

    Thank goodness the blockage doesn't last long, and I find that doing the mundane gets me back to the creative much, much faster!

  3. I love when it all comes together!

  4. I find the ick of writing, for me, to be all the dang editing. I loooooooove whizzing through a first draft - it's a bit of madness, a wild romp, a crazy fun good time. But EDITING, BLERCH! :-) (I say this now, 'cause I've been doing quite a lot of it, of late. Wait till I'm back to first-drafting!) :-D
    Some Dark Romantic

  5. I guess, if writers are excited about their story and characters, they can pass some of the excitement to the readers, in turn.

    BTW, your blog as been BLITZED!!! :)

    Destination Infinity

  6. Yes, L.G. it is a great feeling living in the world one creates! But writers block is a drag.
