
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Express Yourself: Favorite Question

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is made possible by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

Guess what?  This meme has now been around for one year!  That's one full year of fantastic questions, and fun opportunities to share more of myself with all of you.  For those of you out there brave enough to read my psychotic ramblings, thank you.  And of course, a big thank you also to our fantastic co-hosts!

The question for this week is: What has been your favorite question during the first year of the Express Yourself Weekly Meme?

It's not an easy choice.  There have been a number of questions that have challenged me to think, and others that have simply been fun to answer.  So I'll choose one favorite, and I'll also list some runners' up that I still consider worth mentioning here.

Best Question: 
Share your playlist for your WIP or for your life.  Or mix and match if you like.

I loved this question because it made me really consider why certain songs mean something to me.  We may love the sound, or the lyrics, or we may associate certain songs with important events in our lives.  In creating a playlist like this, we expose an intimate part of ourselves that others would rarely, if ever, see otherwise.  

If you're curious, you can find the post where I answer this question HERE.

Runners' Up: 
Share a memorable book quote.

Reading is a deeply personal experience.  When we read a book, we read it in our own unique way.  There are specific lines that resonate with us because of who we are, and the experiences we've had.  So in sharing our favorite book quotes, we shared far more than we might have thought.  

You can find the post where I answer this question HERE.

What are some of your favorite author quotes?

As a writer, I look to fellow authors for wisdom.  Who among us hasn't?  I find quotes from these fellow travelers on the writing path inspirational.  Even when their words of wisdom aren't all sunshine and roses, I feel more prepared for the difficulties of writing.  Why?  Because I'm reminded that success can be found if you're persistent enough, or talented enough.  Being a writer isn't easy, but it isn't impossible either.  

You can find some of my favorite author quotes HERE.

List 5 imperfections about yourself that might bug others, but it's what makes you, well, you.

I'm more than a little quirky.  And I'm all about embracing those quirks.  As a teenager, I felt out of place.  Yes, yes, so did everyone else.  Yet I had a difficult time making friends.  I had little in common with those around me.  Still, over time, I've come to be grateful for that.  I don't care if someone doesn't like me for my weirdness now.  I have the people who like me for who I am, and I'm more comfortable with that than I would be if I lied about myself to make friends.  The friendships I do have are quite real, and that's more than good enough for me. Besides, my husband likes me for my weirdness too!

You can find my post about these so-called imperfections HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Weird is fun. I think you have to be a little bit weird to be a writer!
