
Friday, November 8, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things-November 8, 2013

It's Friday, and that also means it's time once again to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

First of all, I'd like to celebrate the awesome Jackie @ Bouquet of Books for awarding me a $10 Amazon gift card for being a Spooktoberfest Runner Up! Both Jackie and Dani are awesome for making such a cool blogging event possible, so I'd like to thank them once again!

Second of all, I've been sick most of this week.  It started out hard core with a severe tightness in my chest.  Every time I coughed, it felt like someone had thrown a lit match down my throat, and the burning spread all the way through my ears.  Seriously, it was not cool.  Now, the burning and tightness are gone.  I still have a cough, but it doesn't cause me any pain, and my head is super stuffy. Still, compared to how I started the week, I'm feeling WAY better.  That's a good enough reason to celebrate.

Also, while I was sick, hot tea helped my symptoms, but coffee made me feel worse.  I can now drink coffee again!  Yay!  I mean, I love hot tea with a passion and all, but I was still starting to miss my coffee.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm glad you are feeling better but I do hope you have a full recovery ASAP. Yay for coffee and again, and congrats on the the gift card ;)

  2. Glad you're feeling better! Congratulations on your amazon voucher, I got one too and immediately spent it on a couple of new books :)

  3. Sorry you have been feeling poorly but glad you feel better!
