
Friday, November 8, 2013

The Second Annual Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest

Today is the second annual Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest!  Hosted by Andrew Leon, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Matthew MacNish, this blogfest gives us a chance to celebrate the important bloggers in our lives.  

The bloggers we really miss…and the ones we would really miss! 

Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!

On November 8, list one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.

Our blogger friends are special – time to let them know! 

There are a couple of blogger buddies I've missed seeing around the blogosphere.  Saz101 and Growing Up YA used to host the Blogspiration Meme, which was a fun way of sharing something inspirational with our blogging friends.  I enjoyed those weekly posts, because it pushed me to pick something interesting, cool, or just plain fun.  Earlier this year, they retired the meme.  Since then, they've been largely absent from blogging, and I do understand that they have other things going on in life that keep them busy.  Still, they were a lot of fun.

As for bloggers I would miss were they to suddenly vanish, there are too many to list here.  Each blogger has a unique voice and something interesting to share. Still, I must choose.

Side note: If Alex J. Cavanaugh were ever to disappear from the blogging world entirely, I fear it would fall to pieces.  I sometimes wonder if his ninja skills are the force that binds us all together.  So I won't even entertain the idea of him ever leaving us.  It's simply too horrifying!

Anyway, here are three bloggers I would definitely miss if they stopped blogging.

Bev over at The Beveled Edge.  Her writing skills are seriously epic.  If you haven't read any of her work, you're missing out!

Mina Lobo over at Some Dark Romantic is not only a wonderful writer and a supportive blogging pal, but she also hosts the best blogfests around!  She's seriously awesomesauce!

Kyra Lennon over at Write Here, Write Now is also an amazing writer.  She also hosts cool blogging events.  And she recently wrote an incredibly interesting post titled "Dominance, Alpha Males and Sex in Fiction."  Enough said.

Are there any bloggers that you miss, or would miss?


  1. I know of Kyra and I'll have to check out the 3 blogs you've listed. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks, LG! Promise not to scare you.
    Bev and Kyra are awesome.
    It is really difficult just picking three, isn't it?
    Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  3. Oh my gosh! THANK YOU! Seriously, you're gonna give me a complex with how many wonderful things you've been saying about me! Is my head getting bigger? It feels heavier...
    And I 1000% agree about Alex. I don't know how he does it, but if you could saint people for what they do in the blogging community the same way the Catholic church bestows sainthoods on those who do good out in the world, then Alex would be the patron saint of bloggers- absolutely no doubt about it!

  4. Yes there are. And I wrote up a post about them today, too! Lovely place you have here. It's nice to meet you.

  5. YES!!! I miss Saz101 and Growing Up YA too! I send Kristin (from GYA) messages all the time cause I miss my girl from NY! Great post LG!! I would miss your blog as well if you went missing!

  6. This is a wonderful list indeed. And you're right, there are too many to mention!

  7. Fantastic list, LG. It's been a while since I visited Kyra and Bev. I'd better do something about that, Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Aw! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{LG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} You're so danged sweet, I've just developed another cavity! Thanks so much, I'm honored to be in such wonderful writerly company (I include you in that statement, LG)! (And I'm gonna check out Kyra's post NOW!) :-)

  9. Yay! All excellent choices. I love those ladies too--and the blogosphere would be a far different place without the ninja captain.

  10. All great choices!! So hard to pick just a few!

  11. I haven't bee over to The Beveled Edge in eons. So I stopped by and said hello.

  12. I so agree about Alex, he wasn't on my list either, and for the same reason.

  13. Bev is certainly a terrific writer!

  14. The blogosphere would be SCREWED without Alex!

  15. What a fascinating blogfest. Kyra sounds like a thoughtful blogger.

  16. Great pics LG, and I agree, they are all wonderful and talented bloggeres that help make this online writing community amazing. And yes, without Alex we'd all be lost!

  17. I totally agree about Mina & Kyra, though I don't think I know Bev. Will check out her blog :)

  18. Those are all blogs I haven't heard of. I'll have to go check them out.
