
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Express Yourself: Favorite School Subjects

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: What was your favorite subject in high school and/or college?

Hmm.  Overall, I loved school.  I was admittedly quite unpopular, but my love of learning more than made up for any problems I had.  So it isn't easy to pick a favorite subject.  As a writer, English is an obvious answer for me.  And it definitely tops the list of favorite subjects.

Still, in high school I also loved science, and in particular, my anatomy and physiology class.  I loved coloring the many diagrams of the human body.  I actually enjoyed memorizing the names and locations of all the bones and muscles, though I'm admittedly rusty on the subject now.  Perhaps I would have even become a doctor if I wasn't too scared of the idea of making a mistake and accidentally killing someone.

Image URL
By Mikael Häggström (All used images are in public domain.)
[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
In college, I majored in writing and philosophy, and I loved those classes.  I even took two classes specifically about science fiction, and those were obviously two favorites for me.  Yet I also have to mention that during my freshman year, my major was astronomy.  That year, I enjoyed my introductory astronomy class so much it was ridiculous.  There was also a lab for that class, which means I got class credit for looking through a telescope.  How cool is that? Alas, at the end of that year I changed my major because my college level physics classes and Calculus 3 were not quite so nice to me.  Oh well!  It was good experience anyway, and I still thoroughly enjoy amateur astronomy.

Image URL
By Sky trackers and Astronomy researchers club, Bhopal (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
What were your favorite subjects in school?


  1. Oh these are two of my loves as well. Though I did not pick them. When is came to "science", Anatomy was the I did well in. And growing up my dad had a telescope and we would stare and learn about the stars. Great choices.

  2. English was always my favourite, too. It's always been the subject I'm best at.

  3. Astronomy is a class that I regretted not taking.

  4. Math wasn't my strong suit either.
    My favorite was music. Of course!
