
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Express Yourself: Who Do You Look Up To?

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is made possible by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: Who is someone you look up to?

We all need those people who inspire us to be or do better.  We need those people who support us and stick with us through the good and the bad.  In my everyday life, that's my family, and I will be thankful for them as I celebrate Thanksgiving.

Still, I wanted to take the time in this post to highlight another group of people I look up to.  The friends I've made in the blogging community are a wonderful source of support and inspiration.  I look up to so many of you who, like me, are writers looking for avenues of expression.  Fellow writers who are seeking publication, or are newly published, or who bravely self-publish their work.  It takes a lot of courage to share your stories with the world, and watching as you continue to do this on a daily basis keeps me going as well.  As long as you continue to pursue your dreams, I know with certainty that I can also pursue mine.

Thanks to all of you for being awesome!


  1. That is an awesome answer!
    Have a great Thanksgiving, LG.

  2. What a nice tribute! :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
