
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

FSF: Picking Up the Pieces

So, this is the final chapter of my "Unchained" saga.  I'll continue to do Five Sentence Fiction, of course, but there are other stories to tell.

The word for this week is PIECES.

The entire story, from start to finish, can be found on this PAGE.


Chapter 54: Picking Up the Pieces

Ylana spent the next few weeks reconnecting with old family members, many of whom despised her for her sudden, unannounced departure.  When she’d left, she’d been engaged, and her whole life had been planned out, a series of predetermined milestones that she had, at one time in her life, never thought to question.
Image courtesy of
Stuart Miles/

Luckily, Nara had agreed to stay for a while, doing what she could to help her friend figure things out, though she did so with a hint of sadness in her eyes, and it was a sadness that Ylana could understand far too well.

So Nara announced that she would be leaving the following day, Ylana confidently asked, “Would you mind if I came with you?”

As it turns out, picking up the pieces of a former life is often all but impossible, but when Ylana saw Nara’s face break into a glowing smile, she knew that she didn’t need to rebuild her old life, because her current life suited her just fine.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite an epic achievement, reaching chapter 54! Great work :)
