
Friday, January 31, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-January 31, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's take a moment to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

First of all, after officially signing on to do the April A to Z Challenge on two blogs, I volunteered to be a minion in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Ninja Army.  Look at my awesome badge! The color even matches my blog!

I've been plugging away at my writing.  I came up with a new scene for my WIP that I think adds a lot of depth to the story that was missing before, and I'm feeling really good about it.

A friend of mine had a baby boy named Leo on Tuesday.  He's got the cutest chubby cheeks, and he's perfectly healthy.  That's certainly something worth celebrating!

I also want to mention something that isn't happy, but deserves to be acknowledged.  Today would have been my mom's 50th birthday.  She died almost 3 years ago.  I can only imagine how she would have reacted to turning 50.  I remember she wasn't all that happy about 40. Still, as displeased as she may have been with hitting the big 5-0, I'd rather she'd made it there.

What would you like to celebrate this week?


  1. I'm sorry your mother isn't here to be annoyed by fifty.
    Very happy to have you as my Minion.

  2. You're mom passed at a very young age! It's a scar to our hearts that never truly heals. But she's always with you.

  3. Let's talk about your good stuff first.... fixing that plot hole in your WiP is fantastic. New babies are always good, too:D

    That is sad news about your mom. She died awfully young. I am sorry. My father passed away in May 2011. It does and doesn't seem like three years. Do you feel that way, too???

  4. Sorry to hear about your mom. She was so young. :(

  5. New babies are a wonderful celebration. I am sorry to hear about your mother, that is very young to go.

  6. Just wanted to let you know that I dedicated something to you on the HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY post. I hope you like it:)

  7. Congrats on being part of Alex's team!

    Happy birthday to your Mom. I know these things are hard. I'm sure she's celebrating wherever she is. Hugs.

  8. Your mom left planet earth far too soon, but I'm sure she knows she's still here in your heart. See you during the AtoZ mad month.
